Food & Health with P5B

Primary 5B have been learning all about different foods and how to stay healthy.  We have looked at lots of the fruits and vegetables that we like – and have located some of the places where we import them from around the world!  We explored how different foods need different environments to help them grow, and we looked at the journey food makes to get into our homes and onto our plates.

We also got the chance to make some of our own ‘Halloween Themed’ healthy snacks – I’d say we definitely have some recommendations for next year!

Musical Mischief Makers

One thing that we absolutely love in Primary 4c is MUSIC! We have lots of talented musicians in our class – and we’re learning new instruments all the time.

Before Christmas – some of our star performers brought in their instruments and played for us.

Murray kept us cheerful with his fantastic accordion tunes.  His Dad is an amazing musician as well – so Murray wants to keep playing and get better and better all the time, so that one day HE is just as good as his Dad!

Celeste gave us some beautiful Christmas melodies on her violin.   She gets lessons outside of school too, but was very happy to bring her instrument in and let everyone have a listen.

Finally – Darragh brought in his tin whistle and soon had everyone on their feet clapping, with his excellent effort.

Keep watching to see what MORE musical melodies will be coming out of Primary 4c in the future!

Primary 4’s Souptastic Day!

We have been learning a lot about ways to keep our bodies healthy.  It’s really important to make sure we eat food that is good for us.  Today we combined our ‘weighing’ skills from Numeracy, with our Healthy Food topic, and made some delicious soup.   We had to weigh out each of the ingredients using scales, and then heat it up over the hob with some vegetable stock!

We talked about a healthy recipe, and then made it together as a class.  It tasted delicious, we definitely would recommend you give it a go!

P4’s Local Area Topic

Primary 4c have been conducting lots of online research about our Local Areas.  As a class, we decided to create informative books which tell others a little bit about the areas they come from.  We split into groups, and each group was in charge of a different area!

We are creating books about:

  • Thornliebank
  • Clarkston
  • Giffnock
  • Williamwood
  • Netherlee

First we have researched all of the information.  Then we are laying it out clearly and creatively on all of the different pages of our books.  We’ve had to practise our drawing skills, and sometimes double check the facts using a few different websites and sources.  It’s definitely a challenge, but we’re learning a lot!

Stay tuned to see the finished results!


P4c’s Autumn Walk

We had a lovely time on our Autumn Walk today! We were all outside, listening to the sounds of Autumn.  It was a beautiful day and we recorded lots of adjectives and descriptions in our notes.

Next week we will be writing Autumn Poems based on our experiences… we are going to make them as descriptive as possible!

Then finished off our walk with a quick game of tig, led by Ethan – our Work Experience student from St Ninians.  It’s been great having him along to work with us today!


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