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P2B – Canadian Barn Dance


Today, Miss McFlynn’s class learnt the steps to Canadian Barn Dance. We enjoyed the music, discussed the rhythm and control needed along with the importance of coordination and communication.
We discussed the importance of counting the steps and enjoyed getting to know all the steps!
Well Done P2B!
Mrs Latif


Ceilidh Dancing – Week beginning 20.01.2020

Hello all,

This week we all learnt the Ceilidh dancing Dashing White Sergeant. It took much more concentration, focus and team work to be able to conquer the difficulty of the steps! I’m sure the children will be glad to hear the last of me shouting “paddy ba”! Well done all 😊

Mrs Latif

Primary 5A – Ceilidh Dancing


A wee change in the timetable gave me the opportunity to work with Primary 5A today. Along with the rest of the school, they took part in Ceilidh dancing in celebration of Scots Language Week and Robert Burns Day. We learnt the steps, worked with others and focused on our concentration as well as our body movement and contol.
Great Job!
Mrs Latif

Primary 7 – Ceilidh Dancing


Primary 7 classes have been learning the steps to Strip the Willow this week along with the rest of the school. They did brilliantly and picked up the steps very quickly. Pupils were able to focus, work with others and develop their sequencing through dance.
Below are the images from the today’s session!
Well done and thank you P7’s 😊

Mrs Latif


P1B – Strip the Willow


Primary 1B did a fantastic job of learning the steps to Strip the Willow, working with others and focusing and concentrating on their movement to get the steps correct.
First we warmed up by running around and when we heard Mrs Latif’s whistle, we grabbed a partner and spun them round by linking arms.
Next, we made two lines and in partners, approached our partner, spun for 8 and then returned to our spot. We then added music! We then made our dance progressive by then including a spin for 8 in the opposite direction.
Finally, we increased our distance and changed partners to give us an opportunity to work with others.


Mrs Latif


P2, P4, P5 & P6 – Strip The Willow


Pupils who have PE with me have been learning traditional ceilidh dances. This week, we’ve been learning Strip The Willow.
We’ve worked really hard to learn the steps, work with others and develop our focus and concentration.
Well done to all pupils who have taken part. It was brilliant to see the reactions when pupils first found out they’d be doing dancing (especially those who are reluctant) to after the class as many pupils actually thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learnt something new!

Mrs Latif


Primary 1A – Scottish Ceilidh Dancing – Strip The Willow



The whole school have been learning some of the traditional Scottish ceilidh dances in celebration of Scots language week and Robert Burns Day later this month.
The classes who have PE with me have been learning the dance, Strip The Willow and today, Primary 1A did a fantastic job of learning the steps, working with others and focusing and concentrating on their movement to get the steps correct.
First we warmed up by running around and when we heard Mrs Latif’s whistle, we grabbed a partner and spun them round by linking arms.
Next, we made two lines and in partners, approached our partner, spun for 8 and then returned to our spot. We then added music! We then made our dance progressive by then including a spin for 8 in the opposite direction.
Finally, we increased our distance and changed partners to give us an opportunity to work with others.

Primary 1A were absolutely fantastic! You’ve all worked incredibly well and demonstrated brilliant focus and concentration. Most importantly, it was fantastic to see such enjoyment!


Mrs Latif

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! We’re back into the swing now and ready to do our best in 2020! We will be focusing on skills within Scottish Ceilidh Dancing which will work hand in hand Burns Night and Scots Language Week and then we will be moving onto improving our fitness. Looking forward to Term 2 and getting started! It is really important that our pupils ensure they have an indoor and outdoor PE kit which consists of St. Mark’s polo shirt, shorts/leggings and trainers. Failing to have a proper PE kit results in pupils being uncomfortable and restricted as they end up doing PE in their school uniforms. Anyone with no PE Kit will find a reminder note in their communication diary.

Welcome Back Everyone!

Mrs Latif

Christmas PE Games

This week we’ve been taking part in a range of Christmas PE games which have developed our coordination, communication and team work skills.
Well done everyone!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Mrs Latif