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Primary 2B – Tuesday 29th October


Primary 2 have been continuing to develop their throwing and catching skills whilst focusing on hand-eye coordination. Today we were continuing on our individual practise and developing our aiming.
Ben came up with an interesting way of throwing and catching by hopping on one foot to develop his skills!
Great job P2B!

Mrs Latif

Primary 7A – Friday 25th October


Primary 7A have been working on their throwing, catching and aiming skills. We’ve been working on our serving ability too as we have a badminton tournament coming up. We have been working really well and continue to develop these skills throughout our PE lessons. Well done Primary 7! You did fantastic today.

Mrs Latif

Primary 1B – 24th October 2019

  1. Hello,

Primary 1B were introduced to badminton racquets today! They were super excited to be able to use new equipment that has come into the school (Thanks to the Parent Council!) Primary 1B had a fantastic PE session this afternoon developing their communication skills when working with others, balancing skills and ensuring they kept themselves safe in the gym hall.  Child A said “we got to use shuttles! They are part of badminton”
Well done Primary 1B!
Mrs Latif

Primary 6 – P.E.


Primary 6 have been working effectively to build their skills in a variety of different ways. We have been working on our racket control and working on our resilience through this. Through a variety of activities and games, we’ve worked well in pairs, in teams and ourselves to develop these skills. We’re doing really well and going to continue to build and enhance our skills through rebound games.

We have started our Playzone training and are very excited to work in groups to build on our skills and to work closely with Primary 1.

Well Done Primary 6 🙂

Mrs Latif


Maths Week Scotland


With this week being Maths Week Scotland, we looked at ways we incorporate maths into our P.E. sessions. We realised that actually Maths and Numeracy play a great deal into our P.E. sessions and noticed that not only is counting a big aspect of it but other areas of Maths and Numeracy such as pattern, sequencing and grouping also takes place during our sessions. Most classes had the opportunity to identify Maths and Numeracy within their P.E. sessions that they have with myself and enjoyed identifying different aspects and including other aspects through games development!

Well Done St. Mark’s Pupils – You are mathstastic 🙂


Mrs Latif

Primary 4B – Throwing and Catching

Primary 4B have been working on rebound games. We’ve been focusing on communication and team work whilst building on our throwing and catching skills. We’ve been learning about the equipment and how to effectively use them.

Keep up the brilliant effort!

Mrs Latif

Primary 4 – Teamwork


In Primary 4, we’ve been building positive relationships with our peers by developing our communication and team work skills in physical education. Through a variety of activities, we’ve been working together with different people, learning to communicate positively and building on our existing skills.


Mrs Latif




Primary 5B -Rebound Games


Today we focused our learning on developing our skills in throwing and catching. We played a variety of games and took part in a range of activities to help develop our throwing and catching. We also worked on our communication and team work skills by working with others.

Primary 5B did brilliantly at building on their skills and could identify the importance of doing so whilst also working continuously on effective communication.

Mrs Latif



Primary 2B – Yoga

Primary 2B have been building on their existing skills. We have been focusing on balance and control. The children were be able to identify that they also need to use cognitive skills to concentrate and focus to develop their balance and control.

Well done Primary 2B for working so hard and building on important skills… keep it up!

Mrs Latif 🙂

Primary 1 In P.E.


Primary 1 have settled in well into their new school routines. Part of their weekly routine is going to P.E! The children in Primary 1A can independently get their gym bags and change their shoes with their jumpers and ties off ready to take part.

Well Done Primary 1A!

Mrs Latif