Primary 1A – Scottish Ceilidh Dancing – Strip The Willow



The whole school have been learning some of the traditional Scottish ceilidh dances in celebration of Scots language week and Robert Burns Day later this month.
The classes who have PE with me have been learning the dance, Strip The Willow and today, Primary 1A did a fantastic job of learning the steps, working with others and focusing and concentrating on their movement to get the steps correct.
First we warmed up by running around and when we heard Mrs Latif’s whistle, we grabbed a partner and spun them round by linking arms.
Next, we made two lines and in partners, approached our partner, spun for 8 and then returned to our spot. We then added music! We then made our dance progressive by then including a spin for 8 in the opposite direction.
Finally, we increased our distance and changed partners to give us an opportunity to work with others.

Primary 1A were absolutely fantastic! You’ve all worked incredibly well and demonstrated brilliant focus and concentration. Most importantly, it was fantastic to see such enjoyment!


Mrs Latif