British Science Week

We have kicked off British Science week with a BANG! 💥

First we started the day by investigating tessellation in real life environments. We discussed people who work with tessellation every day could be a builder, tiler and architect. We took part in lots of different tessellation tasks to test our skills.


Then we took part in a BBC Live lesson discovering how time impacts nature and animals. The boys and girls were excellent at answering the challenge questions! Great listening everyone!

Next we were visited by Mrs Anwar, a phlebotomist who told us how she uses time in her job. It was interesting and the children were very grateful to learn how STEM is so important in the work place.

Finally we finished the day with PE, we timed each other with stop watches to see how many jumps or runs we could do in a given time.


Mary’s Meals

To learn more about the charity Mary’s Meals we were so lucky to be visited today by Mary’s Meals volunteer, John Duffy. The boys and girls asked excellent questions to find out more information and often shared their knowledge which really impressed him!

John also congratulated us on raising £170 for Mary’s Meals!

World Book Day!

We have loved celebrating World Book Day today!

We started today with The Masked Reader!
We have to guess what teacher were in disguise and what book they were reading!

We were also very lucky to have the reading committee lead an exiting activity.

Finally we finished the day with a BBC authors live event.

Health and Wellbeing

Inspired by Kandinsky we created wonderful art work using the visual elements colour and shape to express our feelings. We discussed different colours which are associated with emotions.

Thank you to everyone who has created a Worry Monster! We have been sharing worries and discussing how it can help to share a worry. Feed your worry monster your worries and you no longer have to think about it!

Thank you also to J for working hard at home to create a presentation about his religion, delivering it so well and teaching us more about Islam!