Monthly Archives: May 2023

Make Your Mark

As part of our Mark you Mark passport, we’ve been preparing and trying a simple recipe. We’ve been learning all about Oats. We’ve had a virtual visit to a farm in Stirling and seen the journey from seed to store. So we used Scottish Oats to make flapjacks.

We took turns to pour, weigh, stir, flatten and decorate.

Everyone had a taste and it was a thumbs up all round!

Forest school

Another wonderful day at the forest for P2. This week we worked on different knots as part of our Make Your mark achievements.

We were working on larksfoot, over hand and half stitch. Pupils worked in pairs to practise the knots.

Being able to tie a knot is a life long skill and everyone displayed resilience as they worked towards tying heir knots. Well done everyone!


Forest school

This week we were working towards our Make you Mark achievement. Learning about lean to shelters. Pupils foraged for sticks to build a strong shelter than would keep their character safe and dry.

They worked in pairs and showed good team work, communicating, sharing and making decisions together.

Of course there was also plenty time for climbing and exploring. We also found a Fern root ball and the children were full of stories of mice, hedgehogs and other forest animals it looked like.