Category Archives: Primary 2

Maths Week Scotland

Maths Week Scotland was a busy week for Primary 2. Each day we’ve had a different challenge to complete and we’ve been thinking about money, shapes and direction.

As part of our homework we found out how our families use mathematics in the everyday.

We wrote stories using number sequence knowledge which prompted interesting conversations about our number knowledge.

The biggest event of the week was the Whole School challenge. Pupils had to work as a group of 4 to build a tower.  We worked in random groups using our tally cards to choose groups.  We sketched the designs first and then commenced the build.

During the challenge, we had to contribute our ideas and listen to our team, share materials and make compromises.


We have been revisiting good routines to keep our bodies clean and health.

We talked about the importance of keeping our hands clean and washing our hands before and after different activities.

Then we painted our hands, made our mark and then had to wash the paint off our hands.

The children did a great job at getting all the paint of their hands.

Primary 2 Homework

Primary 2 will be issued homework through Google Classroom.

All children will receive a copy of their passwords on Monday 29th August. They can keep their pink password pass at home.  The Google account ends with

Support for Google Classroom is available here

There will be an opportunity to Meet the Teacher on 31st August, this would be an ideal opportunity so see any further support.


The Google account ends with