All posts by Miss McKay


We have been revisiting good routines to keep our bodies clean and health.

We talked about the importance of keeping our hands clean and washing our hands before and after different activities.

Then we painted our hands, made our mark and then had to wash the paint off our hands.

The children did a great job at getting all the paint of their hands.

Primary 2 Homework

Primary 2 will be issued homework through Google Classroom.

All children will receive a copy of their passwords on Monday 29th August. They can keep their pink password pass at home.  The Google account ends with

Support for Google Classroom is available here

There will be an opportunity to Meet the Teacher on 31st August, this would be an ideal opportunity so see any further support.


The Google account ends with



Welcome to St. Mark’s Primary!

Hello everyone and welcome to Primary 1a’s class blog!

The blog will be used over the year to update you with any information and to share pictures of all the wonderful things we get up to in Primary 1a this year!

Some important information:

Our PE days will be Mondays and Fridays this year. As we will be making the most of the outdoors this year during PE can you make sure that your child has outdoor shoes, long trousers and a jumper/jacket with a hood with them on these days. To save pupils bringing PE kits in each day, kits can be left in school each week. Below is the PE kit guidance

Kit required:

  • trainers
  • black joggers/leggings or shorts
  • black jumper/hoodie
  • either a red/white/yellow t-shirt
  • waterproof jacket with hood

At least once each week we will be participating in outdoor learning. This will be separate from PE. In order for your child to be able to participate fully and receive the most valuable experiences outdoors we ask that they are provided with suitable clothing for outdoor learning. This should be separate from their PE kits but can also be left in school on their pegs each week.

We will be participating in all weather and so we ask that your child is sent in with waterproof clothing.

  • Appropriate clothing: Full rain suit or waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket with a hood. Wellies would be more suitable to protect the feet from getting wet, however, if this is not possible old trainers can be used.

Lastly, some photo consent forms have still to be returned. These were sent home with all pupils at the beginning of the week. Can these please be returned to school on Monday as we cannot post any photos of your child without the form being signed.

Already I can see that the pupils are so eager and willing to learn. They have settled in brilliantly over the past week and I am very proud of them all. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds!

I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all!

Take care,

Miss McFlynn