Category Archives: Categories

Adverse Weather

Please note the following instructions regarding Adverse Weather:

Adverse Weather

In the past, we have had severe disruption as a result of bad weather around this time last year. In the event of a similar situation arising this winter we have put a few strategies in place. East Renfrewshire schools will only be closed in extreme circumstance.


  • If the school is closed during the course of a school day you will be contacted, in the first instance, by text message. Please ensure we have a current mobile phone number on our records for this purpose.
  • The text will ask you to make arrangements to collect your child as soon as possible. You cannot reply to this message.
  • Please don’t telephone the school unless absolutely necessary as we have a limited number of external lines.
  • Your child will be kept here until someone comes for him/her.
  • Once the school has been officially closed regular updates will be posted on the East Renfrewshire and school website and updates posted on Twitter.


In the event of heavy snow as first priority our janitor will clear a path to the breakfast club door from the stairs. Look out for signs directing you if we have to make any changes to the usual routine.


Thank you!

Early Bird Club

Just a little reminder that St Mark’s Primary runs a FREE Early Bird Club every morning from 8.00 am until the start of school, 8.45 am.

The Early Bird Club is a great way to start the school day, where the children have the opportunity to do a range of activities such as

  • musical instruments
  • board games
  • art materials
  • chromebooks
  • homework support (good chance to use free school Wifi)
  • physical activities, etc.

The club is completely free and open to everyone and you can even have some breakfast.

Homework Week Beginning 14/01/19

This week’s whole school homework focuses on the Show Racism the Red Card campaign.

if you would like to discuss this more with your child please see the link above.

Normal homework still continues this week; see the inside cover of your child’s Home Learning jotter.

Children have been assigned education city homework for their maths this week based on the topics they have been learning in class, this progress can be tracked online by myself. Children’s log in details for Education City are glued in to the back of their homework jotters 🙂 should there be any issues with homework or questions please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂


Miss Queen x

Coffee and Chat

Hi everyone!

Primary 3 would like you to come along to their coffee and chat.  They will be using chrome books to discuss their homework and their class blog.  In March the children will be doing a personal talk on the rainforest they would like to talk to you about that too. It will be held on 27/02/19 @ 9.15am.

Hope to see you there!


P3b and Miss Queen x

Homework Week Beginning 7th January

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope that you all had a lovely break.

The boys and girls have been given home a sheet about leading their own learning for homework this week, this will help in class to plan our topic this term which is the rain-forest. It would be really helpful to have the children’s input, if this could be completed and returned for Friday that would be great 🙂

Pupils Leading Learning planning sheet – homework

the sheet can also be accessed by clicking on the link above.


Miss Queen x

Talking and Listening Homework

All of the classes in St Mark’s Primary have a Class Blog to showcase their learning.  Please click on the link below to access your child’s Class Blog.

The ABCS of Listening and Talking

abcs of talk

Please use the ABCS of Listening and Talking to discuss your child’s blog.

Please complete the Form below to provide us with feedback.

Christmas Fayre

This year Primary 3 have decided that they want to make some yummy ‘Snowman Soup’ to raise money for the school at our Christmas Fair! The children are super excited to take part in this activity and can’t wait to sell them to their friends and family at the fair.

Snowman Soup

Miss McFlynn and Miss Queen are going to provide most of the materials needed for this activity, however, if possible we have asked the boys and girls to bring in one small bag of marshmallows each for the soup. Your support with this would be greatly appreciated but it is no problem at all if you cannot bring anything in.

Could all items be brought into school by Wednesday 28th November.


The boys and girls of P3, Miss McFlynn & Miss Queen x

Outdoor learning homework

Week beginning 26th of November the whole school has outdoor learning challenges to complete as their homework!

Here is an overview of the sheet that will be sent home next week with the challenges on it 🙂 – this will be done in place of spelling homework.

Over the course of the week, you have been asked to participate in as many outdoor activities as you can. Below are a list of activities you can take part in. Colour in the boxes to show which activities you have completed.  If you complete any other outdoor activities, please add them to the boxes below.


Paint some pebbles and turn them into colourful creatures. Take some paper outside and do a landscape drawing. Sketch some flowers or plants. Draw a map of your route to school. Chalk some patterns, pictures and words on the ground.
Make shadow shapes on a wall and, if possible, ask an adult to take some photographs. Complete a traffic survey outside of your home-what vehicles go past? Or what colour cars? Make a graph to show your findings. Make a collage of some of the living things you can see when outside. Use feathers, beads and other objects to make an eye-catching wind chime. Lie back and see what shapes you can see in the clouds draw or describe what you see.
Fill an empty washing-up liquid bottle up with water and write words on the ground. Hunt for bugs in the garden park or woods with an adult. Plant a seed. Make a den outdoors. Go outside at night with an adult and see if you can see the stars. Can you name any of the constellations?