Tag Archives: Scottish Wars of Independence


We found out about the weapons that were used during the Scottish Wars of Independence.

We referred to the Battle of Bannockburn website.

Bannockburn Resources

We found out about pikes and the use of the defensive Shiltron, as demonstrated by some of the girls below.

Everyone then created their own shield using pattern, shape and a material of their choice – most chose paint. 

Persuasive Writing

Primary 5 have been looking into potential schools trips. They completed their online research and then wrote letters to our Head Teacher Mrs Dillon Ruddy. Pupils were tasked with writing a persuasive argument that explains why a trip would be beneficial. As you can see below they had a variety of mostly educational arguments. They were using a writing structure where they made their point(P) and then explained (E)their reason. 

Taking our learning outdoors

Primary 5 love the opportunity to get outdoors especially if they get the opportunity to build. As you can see from the pictures below Primary  5 are very creative and can build engaging structures. These spaces became areas in which they acted out ‘war’ like situations based on our topic, The Scottish Wars of Independence. It’s great to see the class working together to build, create and role play.

Scottish Wars of Independence

Primary 5a started our topic Scottish Wars of Independence. Pupils have started by asking their questions.

This week we answered two questions.

When did it happen? 

The responses below found that 4 children said the wars happened in 1200 and the majority of pupils said 2000. The truth the wars happened in 1200s and 1300.

Following this, pupils explored a timeline and ordered the events of the Scottish Wars of Independence. Each event will be looked at individually over the coming weeks.

Where did it happen?

First they tried to find Glasgow on the map.

Then they used atlases to find the cities of Scotland and mark them on a map.