In class we have been enjoying opportunities to read with our peers.
Clay sculptures
We used clay to make bowls/candle holders and something of our own design. We enjoyed moulding the clay although did find it challenging, our original aim was to make daffodils to celebrate St. David’s day (1st March).
The clay sculptures are still drying , as they are drying pupils have discovered that they have become quite fragile. As a result we’ll need to get the glue out before we wait them.
Monday PE
Check out P5’s activities with Mrs Latif this week.
British Isles
As part of our British Isles topic, we have started to explore the different landscapes. Pupils were tasked with identifying man made and natural features.
We then discussed their decisions using ABC for talk, to agree, build upon and challenge their ideas. The most interesting discussions were around farms, forests and the Giant’s Causeway.
Following this pupils were asked to identify Scotland on the map. There were several ideas. We will be continuing to use atlases and maps over the next few weeks to explore the habitats and environments.
Legion of Mary
Circuits and Fitness
St. Valentines of Rome
Primary 5 found out about St. Valentine of Rome. He is the patron saint of Love, young couples, marriages and beekeepers.
Instead of making Valentine’s day cards everyone made a friendship card. We followed steps to draw beautiful bees.
As a treat Mrs Muscat made empire biscuits with the class during golden time.
Remember numeracy homework is to be completed by Friday and there is a second quiz which will be available from Monday.
We will then go over the answers in class on Thursday 13th February.
If you want to work on your time knowledge to have a go at
Stop the Clock level 1 O’clock and half past
Stop the Clock level 2 Quarter to and quarter past
Stop the Clock level 3 5 minutes
Stop the Clock level 4 Exact minutes
Stop the clock level 5 24hr clock
Numeracy recall
Hit the button contains lots of different options and can be used to practise number bonds, times table recall and division facts, all very useful skills to be working on.
If you are looking to practise written addition and subtraction questions, this number generation will help by giving you various numbers which you can add or subtract. Mission 2110 is also good for practising more complex calculations.
Happy Holidays
Miss Mckay
Star Pupil 27th Jan
Shout out to this week’s star pupil who has been working really hard to earn this! Over the past few weeks he has shown a positive attitude to his work, he tries his best to improve each day and his kind to his peers.
Well done James!