Category Archives: Primary 5

7 times table

The week we will be focusing on the 7 times table.

We will be using this video to develop our abilities to quickly and accurately count up in 7.

We will also be working on developing concrete and pictorial aspects of the 7 times table.

Pupils should continue to work on the recall of all multiplication facts at home as this reinforces their learning within school.


Persuasive Writing

Primary 5 have been looking into potential schools trips. They completed their online research and then wrote letters to our Head Teacher Mrs Dillon Ruddy. Pupils were tasked with writing a persuasive argument that explains why a trip would be beneficial. As you can see below they had a variety of mostly educational arguments. They were using a writing structure where they made their point(P) and then explained (E)their reason. 

Maths Week Scotland

Primary 5a will be celebrating Maths Week Scotland through a variety of different areas of the curriculum. They will also hear from speakers talking about money.

Pupils can get involved at home by exploring how numeracy skills are used every day.

Perhaps they could help by making dinner – weighing ingredients, measuring volume and time, chopping vegetable into appropriate shapes and measurements, applying knowledge of time to know when dinner will be ready.

Also there is a national Sumdog challenge which they can participate in (logins are in the front of their homework jotters).