Category Archives: Literacy

Sharing our Elf stories

Over the last few weeks Primary 5 have been writing their own stories about elves to share with Primary 1 and Primary 2.  They had to consider the audience they were writing for and had to go through the redrafting process. After this they made books and illustrated them.

Once they had completed the book, they had to consider how they were going to read the book to younger children, considering their tone, expression and volume.

Primary 2a were very impressed.

Persuasive Writing

Primary 5 have been looking into potential schools trips. They completed their online research and then wrote letters to our Head Teacher Mrs Dillon Ruddy. Pupils were tasked with writing a persuasive argument that explains why a trip would be beneficial. As you can see below they had a variety of mostly educational arguments. They were using a writing structure where they made their point(P) and then explained (E)their reason.