Category Archives: Expressive Arts
Investigating craters and gravity
Competition time

We are so are so very proud of Melany who won the MP Christmas card competition! Your Christmas card is beautiful!
Panto time
We had a great time at the Peter Pan panto!
The start of a new term!
Hi everyone. P7a have all settled in very well and have already been working hard. We have enjoyed creating our class charter to ensure that we uphold everyone’s right to learn. Here are some photos below.
Winner of Art competition
Over the next few weeks we are working on our story telling skills through literacy and drama. I will be encouraging everyone to take turns to tell stories, improvised and planned. Everyone will also be involved in telling the story as an actor, following the story.
Everyone loved the first week of storytelling.
Clay sculptures
We used clay to make bowls/candle holders and something of our own design. We enjoyed moulding the clay although did find it challenging, our original aim was to make daffodils to celebrate St. David’s day (1st March).
The clay sculptures are still drying , as they are drying pupils have discovered that they have become quite fragile. As a result we’ll need to get the glue out before we wait them.