Daily Archives: May 21, 2019

Walk To School Week

This week is Walk To School Week and everyone is being encouraged to use their feet on their way to school rather than other forms of transport where possible! P4 have discussed why it is important to walk to school when they are able to.

‘It’s healthy for you!’

’It cuts down on pollution from cars!’

‘It’s good to know how to walk safely and how to cross roads!’

Here are some of our Walk To School Week Posters:

Each person who walks to school will receive a sticker to add to our class display:


Outdoor Numeracy

P4a took advantage of some of the warmer weather by doing some outdoor numeracy! We used our knowledge of analogue clock faces to create our own in the school playground. We used hoola hoops, sticks and chalk to design our clocks in small groups. Then we completed a number of time problems using our new playground clocks, changing the stick hands to show our answers. We had a lot of fun. James and Kayden look particularly pleased using their bodies to solve a time problem on one of our painted clocks.