School Newsletter 23.02.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

School and Nursery Photographs
We will be welcoming Jane Henderson back into our school and nursery from Monday 26th February until Friday 15th March. She will take:

  • class, individual and sibling photographs of children in P1 and P7.
  • class and individual photographs of children in P2-P6.
  • our nursery children will have individual photographs

The photographs will be taken indoors so we don’t have to worry about the weather!
As always, we will do our very best to include all children in the photographs but this may not be possible if a pupil is absent during Jane’s time at school and nursery.

Please could school children wear a shirt and school tie on the day/s their photos are due to be taken as we have timetabled these sessions around PE and outdoor learning days. We always have spare ties in school that the children can wear, if needed. Nursery children can wear their normal nursery clothes.

Please see timetables below, which details the days and times your child’s photograph is due to be taken. We hope the photographs will be a lovely memento of your child’s year in school and nursery.

Photographs w.c 26th Feb 24
Photographs w.c 4th March 24

Diversity Evening – 28th February
With less than one week to go, we are very excited to be welcoming our community in for our second Diversity Evening. We have lots of amazing performances, delicious food tasting opportunities as well as stalls which celebrate the wealth of diversity in our school and all the wonderful learning that has taken place during Diversity Month. Lots of the evening can be enjoyed at no cost however, there will be a small charge for some items, for example our delicious Derby ice cream!  We can’t wait to see lots of our families on Wednesday evening!

Request for sock donations
We enjoy many opportunities for learning outdoors at Netherlee and we appreciate any extra clothes for children that require changes when the weather is wet. We need spare socks almost every day and are hoping that you could donate some.  Socks for all age groups are needed but particularly for Primary 1 to Primary 3. Please send in any spare, clean pairs of socks for the attention of Mrs Toman. Thanks for your help with this!

Online Safety
Euan Graham from the charity NSPCC, recently delivered an excellent parent workshop, Keeping Children Safe Online. If you were not able to make it along a pre-recorded version is now available through their website. To access it click here.

We have also created an Online Safety section of our website. It has information, links and guides to help you support your family with all aspects of digital wellbeing and cyber resilience.

Primary 6 Engineering Project
P6 will be taking part in the ‘If You Were an Engineer, What Would You Do?’ Leaders Award, click here for more information. If you are an engineer and would be happy to come in and speak to our P6 classes please email Mr Bryce at

Save a Life Day – Monday 4th March
Many of you will be aware that we have held very successful and enjoyable Save a Life Scotland events in previous sessions, aimed at equipping our children with basic cardiac resuscitation (CPR) skills. Save a Life Scotland supports the training of people of all ages in “bystander CPR” techniques, which can make a vital difference in emergency situations. We plan to do this annually with the help of local firefighter’s service personnel, our colleagues and senior pupils from Williamwood High School. This year’s Save a Life Scotland Day will take place on Monday 4th March 2024. It will be led by one of our parents (a consultant in emergency medicine) and we are very grateful to them for their enthusiasm and expertise.

Whilst we feel that these skills are important for our children to experience and develop, we also recognise that some of our children may potentially, for personal reasons, find this activity upsetting. If you therefore wish to discuss this in relation to your own child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so that we can help and work this out together.

Children in Primaries 5 – 7 will use NHS dummies for the CPR training. Younger children manage better when using smaller models, and for this reason we would like to request that on the day of the event, Primaries 1 – 4 bring one soft toy into school (if possible). There are no restrictions on the type of toy but, ideally, the toy should be approximately 30 – 40 cm in length.

Foodbank Donation Drive – 8th March
We are joining other establishments in East Renfrewshire to support the East Renfrewshire Foodbank, The Trussell Trust. More information can be found in this letter.

Primary 1 and Primary 7 – National Dental inspection Programme
Please see NHS letter regarding the dental inspection programme for your child.

Primary P1c – Change of P.E. Days
Please note, P1c P.E. days are now Tuesday and Thursday. Many thanks for your continued support.

Primary P2a – Change of P.E. Days
Please note, P2a now have Outdoor P.E. on Monday and Indoor P.E. on Thursday. Many thanks for your continued support.

Primary 3 Pancakes & Maple Syrup
Our Primary 3 classes were very lucky to have one of our wonderful parents in talking about Canada today and we would like to give the children the opportunity to taste pancakes with Canadian maple syrup next week. We have taken into account all allergy information we have on record however, if anything has changed, please do get in touch with Mrs Linn at . We hope your child has enjoyed taking part in our Diversity celebrations this year.

Primary 7 – Pep Rally Fundraiser Reminder
A kind reminder that on Tuesday the 5th of March (9.30-10.30am), Primary 7 would love you to come along to our Pep Rally. Tickets will be £2.50 a head and all profits will be going towards the school show, High School Musical. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Tickets are available to purchase on parent pay.

Have a lovely weekend.



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