School Newsletter 06.12.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up. This link will take you straight there

Winter Fayre – Thank You
A huge thank you to everyone that came along to our Winter Fayre last week. It was a wonderful evening and as well as being a lot of fun, helped us to raise an amazing £3549.76. This money will go to our school and nursery funds and will be used, amongst other things, to help us to improve the playground equipment children can use outdoors. Thank you again for supporting our community fayre and fundraising efforts.

Uploading / Sharing Homework
If you are still experiencing issues uploading / sharing your child’s homework via Google Classroom please do not email this in to schoolmail as they are causing problems to our email system and creating issues for our communications. If you have not managed to upload the homework please either call or email us to let us know, someone will then contact you to help you get the homework uploaded.

Primary 2b and 2c: Class Treat
On Friday 13th December, the P2 teachers would like to treat the children to some hot chocolate (sugar free) and a movie (U rating). If you do not wish your child to have the hot chocolate, please email the school office on by Thursday 12th December. Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child.

Primary 2a: Class Update
It is with mixed emotions that we share with you that Miss McLean will be leaving Netherlee on Friday 13th December. We’re sure you’ll agree that she done a wonderful job teaching your children. On her last day, Miss McLean would like to treat the children to some hot chocolate (sugar free) and a movie (U rating). If you do not wish your child to have the hot chocolate, please email the school office on by Thursday 12th December. Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child.

Thank you, Miss McLean, for all your hard work and we wish you all the very best for the future!

We are delighted to share with you that Miss Weldon, who has been on maternity leave, will return to Netherlee as P2a’s class teacher from Monday 16th December, on a full time basis.

To ensure a smooth transition, Miss Weldon will visit the class on Friday 13th December, in the afternoon, and meet with Miss McLean, to ensure all relevant information is passed on.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Miss Weldon back into school and know she is excited about her return and working with your children.

Primary 6b Baking
The children in Primary 6b would like to make some vegan festive biscuits on Wednesday 11th December 2024. We will be using a few simple ingredients;
Plain flour
Caster sugar (as little as possible)
Brown sugar (as little as possible)
Dairy-free spread
Oat milk
Vanilla extract
Baking powder
Bicarbonate of soda

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child.

Many thanks for your support.

Primary 7: Movie
Primary 7 have been reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in class and would like to watch the film. We feel that this experience would add value to the children’s learning, as we will be able to compare and contrast the two types of media. As The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 12 rating and covers themes related to our World War Two topic, we need to let you know that we would like to watch the movie in class. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office before the 10th December.

Primary 7: Visit to Williamwood 17th December
The Modern Languages Department plan to have a ‘French Café’ for pupils while they are visiting Williamwood on the 17th December. Ahead of the visit we will share with Williamwood staff, the allergy information that we hold for our children.  If you do not wish us to do so, please contact our school office by Monday 16th December.

Have a wonderful weekend.


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