Parents News 24.03.2023

Hello everyone

Comic Relief
A huge thank you for your generous donations, the school and nursery raised a total of £850.30 for Comic Relief- thank you so much for supporting this very worthwhile cause.

Open Classrooms
We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents into school on Friday 21st April for Open Classrooms. As indicated in the Dates for your Diary previously issued we invite P1-4 parents between 11.15 and 11.45am and ask that you enter via the Clarkston Road Gate. Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. P5-7 parents, we look forward to welcoming you between 9.30 and 10am and we ask you to enter and exit via the main front door at reception. We request a maximum of two adults per child. Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us.

School Uniform
As we are heading into Term 4, I thought it would be a good point to share how our uniform policy is going in Netherlee.  We are very pleased with how the adaptation of our school uniform to now include a PE Uniform is going this session.  This is proving to be a very positive adaptation as it ensures children have the longest time possible for PE as they no longer have to spend time getting changed in school, their privacy is also maintained as, like most primary schools, we don’t have designated changing rooms in Netherlee and they are also comfortable and prepared when spending time outdoors during their outdoor learning lots each week.

Whilst the vast majority of our pupils come to school each day dressed in full school or PE uniform unfortunately, we have noticed an increasing number of children, mostly from the senior classes from P5-P7 who are no longer fully following the policy in terms of the non- wearing of obvious branded clothing to school e.g. Nike branded hoodies indoors and/ or striped Nike/ Adidas branded bottom half items for PE.  Can I please therefore strongly request that our uniform policy is fully adhered to at all times. As a reminder of what the items are you can see the uniform policy here by clicking this link.

For your ease, the main point is in relation to:

  • PE Uniform bottom half items e.g. leggings, shorts or joggers should be plain navy in colour and not have any branded logos on show.  This is an important part of our policy and one that, during the consultation, was seen as an important point by all groups of stakeholders.

Thank you and as always if you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

In relation to the above, our uniform recycling rails go out weekly at the Clarkston Road Gate at the following times. Friday, between 8.50am – 9am (P1-3 smaller items) and 3pm – 3.10pm (P4-P7 middle and larger sizes) at the Clarkston Road School Gate.  These items are all completely free of charge and include badged uniform items as well as non-badged grey and navy items.  We are also very happy to source items from these rails ourselves for you if you can’t make it to view the rails on a Friday, please just call or email and we will be happy to help. A reminder too that EVERY DAY our red Uniform Donations Box is available at the main school reception area for you to drop off any unwanted, pre-loved uniform items that your child has outgrown (badged, grey or navy). Thank you VERY much for your support and continued attention to this.

Upcoming Change to Weekly Emails
We want to let you know that the Friday Bundles will look slightly different after the upcoming holiday fortnight. Our Friday Bundle will now be known as the Friday Newsletter and will contain all school news. A separate email will be issued, if applicable, detailing any upcoming trips or clubs which are relevant to only your child/ren stage(s).

Family Focused Gold Accreditation: Update
As you will already know, we are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.   A key focus of the Family Focused Gold Award is the creation of a Charter. The school took part in a challenge to come up with a design for our School and Nursery Charter. Well done to Freya in Primary 6 who came up with this fantastic design, which will also feature our Nursery teddy bear.

We worked alongside our parent group to create the charter statements.  These statements underpin the award itself and reflect the values and ethos of Netherlee. Our Family Focused Charter’s will now be created and situated within the school and nursery entrances, so keep your eyes peeled next time you are in for a visit!

As part of the Gold Award accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We would be very grateful for your responses as having a high response rate id part of the accreditation. The link to complete the questionnaire will be sent in next week’s Friday Bundle and will go live from Monday 17th April. Thank you for your continued support.

Netherlee Budding Minds Seed Sale
Our Primary 6 and Primary 7 Gardening club members will be hosting a seed and plant sale on Thursday 30th March at 3.15pm at the main school gates, as they work towards completing their Level 5 award for the RHS Schools Gardening Campaign. This event will also be part of the RHS Big Seed Sow and you will also have the opportunity to sow your own seeds to take home. Mrs Cross, our parent helper will also be providing tea, coffee, juice, and cake. Any donations would be welcome which will contribute towards the Netherlee Budding Minds garden funds.

Diversity Event
We are looking forward to a lovely event sharing the culture of our Netherlee community. We still need volunteers to help make it all happen. Please click on the following link to sign up to help us with setting up, tidying up, or to help in the refreshment area.
Thank you.

Church Service
On the morning of Thursday 30th March, P4-7 will attend Netherlee Church for our Easter Service. As space is limited within the church, unfortunately, we will only be able to accommodate two family members from the children who are reading, performing in the choir or playing their instrument. Separate information has been sent to these families already, please only attend the service if you have received confirmation that your child will be performing. The service will be recorded and a link to the recording will be emailed out in the Friday Bundle on the 31st March. We hope that you are not too disappointed with these restrictions. If you would prefer your child not to attend for religious reasons, please email the school office by Wed 29th March at the latest.  For safety reasons, we cannot accommodate any further withdrawal requests on Thursday morning.

Easter/ Spring Break
School will close slightly earlier on Friday, 31st March P1 and P2 will finish at 2:25pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm.  School and nursery will reopen to all children and staff on Monday 17th April.

Primary 4a: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 4b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip .

Primary 4c: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip .

Primary 4d: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child ‘s trip.

Primary 6a:  Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6c:  Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6d: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 6/7: Sexual Health
Please see letter regarding the above lessons for your child.

Primary 6/7 Rugby Club
An afterschool P6-7 Rugby Club will be starting on a Thursday 18th May from 3.15pm-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P6-7 Rugby Club
Day and Time: Thursday 3.15 pm– 4.15pm.
Dates:  18th, 25st May, 1st, 8th June
Venue:  Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  Mr Aitken
No. of pupils: 24
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here:  no later than Tuesday 28th March. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 7: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 7: Sports Event
An email was sent to parents regarding our Primary 7 sports event.

Primary 7: Beauty and the Beast – Thank You
Primary 7 would like to send a huge thank you to everybody who came along to our Tea Party and a great big ‘cheer’ for all the very generous donations that we have received. It was brilliant seeing so many people there and we greatly appreciate your generosity. We have raised an incredible £940 from this event and this will go towards tech, costumes and set design for the show.

Primary 7: Prop Donations
As you know, Primary 7 are working extremely hard on their school show, Beauty and The Beast. For the show we require quite a lot of different props and the attached list shows some items that we are still looking for. So we are sending out this plea to see if there are objects/ items/ treasures lingering at the back of cupboards that we might be able to borrow or could be donated. We will gratefully receive anything from the list that you already have at home (PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING).  If you could please drop in off any donations at the school office, or via your child, by Friday 31st March that would be much appreciated. If you would like your item back after the show, please just let us know when it is handed in and we will make sure it gets back to you.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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