Parent News 31.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Breastfeeding Policy
We provide a warm and welcoming environment for breastfeeding families in our school and nursery. Our Family Room, situated near the front door of the school, provides a comfortable and quiet space where breastfeeding can take place without interruption or intrusion. Our staff are trained to offer support to breastfeeding parents and are aware of the aims and principles of our School and Nursery Breastfeeding Policy. Please note that this policy is available to view on our website too. You can access this policy, and others, through clicking on this link.

If you require to use our Family Room to enable you to breastfeed, please don’t hesitate to ask, our office staff will be able to help by showing you where the Family Room is.

Next Parent Council Meeting – Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the school Hub
The next meeting of the school and nursery Parent Council will be at 7pm on Wednesday 19th April.  This will be in the Hub in the school.  We hope to see as many parents and carers as possible and as ever will hear from the school leadership team on a number of issues, with the opportunity for free and open discussion.  If there is anything you would particularly like us to raise at the meeting then please email  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you after the holidays.

Easter Service
Thank you to Reverend Blythe, and the Netherlee and Stamperland Church Community, for welcoming our P4-7 pupils and staff into the church for our wonderful Easter Service. A huge well done to our amazing young people who read, sang and played instruments so beautifully. Below is a link to the recording of the service.

Primary 3a: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 3b: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 3c: Trip
An email was sent to parents regarding their child’s trip.

Primary 7: Beauty and The Beast Tickets
Primary 7 are extremely excited to officially invite you to purchase tickets for our school show Beauty and The Beast. We are thrilled to be able to put on a full production P7 show this year in May, something that sadly Netherlee has not been able to fully do since before Covid. The show is not only giving us the opportunity to work on our drama, music and dancing skills, but also our art (painting sets and designing costumes), technology (building sets and creating costumes) and I.C.T (taking responsibility for all the microphones and lights).

We are incredibly excited about our show and being able to share all that we have been learning and rehearsing and would love it if you were able to spare some time to come along to see us!

Tickets are £2 and there is a maximum of 2 tickets per child per show. Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we are anticipating this to be popular, so please get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please see attached an official invite with more information about dates, times and how to purchase tickets.
Beauty and The Beast Invite

Happy Holidays
I would like to wish all children, staff and families a really lovely, well-earned holiday fortnight. Please keep safe and enjoy some downtime. We will all be here, looking forward to seeing all of our children back again, on Monday 17th April.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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