Parent News 27.01.2023

Hello everyone

Netherlee’s 90th Birthday
We are all very excited to be celebrating the school’s 90th Birthday on Mon 6th February. The day will begin with a whole school assembly. After that, classes will be preparing for parties that will be held on Thurs 9th Feb. The PTA has generously provided lovely arts and crafts resources to make party hats and bunting. Each class will hold a talent show to celebrate the wonderful talents that the school has nurtured over its’ lifetime. Classes will also find out about the changes to the school and local area over the last 90 years. Our wonderful catering team have arranged a special birthday lunch of mince and tatties (vegetarian mince will be available too) and cake and custard. In addition, Mark Gibson has very kindly offered to take a special commemorative photograph. Weather permitting, all staff and pupils will go out to the playground so we can take a special aerial photograph.

Don’t forget the podcast, 90 Years of Netherlee that our tech team are producing to mark the birthday. The latest episode is out now featuring an interview with Mrs French, our longest serving member of staff.  We would love to hear from former pupils or staff so if someone you know went to the school or worked here please get in touch and let us know.

Upcoming Parent Council Meeting
Please see message below from our Parent Council:
The next Parent Council meeting will take place in person in the school Hub at 7pm on Wednesday 15th February 7pm. All parents and carers from the nursery and school are welcome and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. As always there will be the opportunity to have open discussions on a range of topics with other parents and members of the school leadership team.  If you have any matters you would specifically like to be discussed please contact us at:

PTA Badged Uniform Sale
The school has many pre-loved uniform items available, you can view the rail for P1-3 at 8.50am or our P4-P7 sizes from 3pm, both at the Clarkston Road entrance – and don’t forget you can buy school badges anytime from the office (£1) to add to your own burgundy items or navy polo shorts too.

If you do need new badged uniform items the PTA sale is open from Friday 27th Jan until Monday 6th Feb at the following link Netherlee PTA (  You will need to register with the site first before making a purchase. Any questions please let us know at Please see the flyer with more information.

Family Focused at Netherlee School and Nursery: Going for Gold
At Netherlee, we prioritise working effectively with our families to ensure high quality learning experiences for our children. We make sure that all families feel very welcome and are involved in the life of the school and nursery.

To support early year’s establishments, East Renfrewshire Council introduced a self-evaluation framework explaining suggestions of good practice, particularly with regards to working with parents.

We have previously gained our Bronze Family Friendly award and our Silver Family Centred Certificate, both of which are displayed in our Saplings building. Over the next few months, staff will be working very hard, alongside parents, to gain our Gold Family Focused Award.

If you would like to be part of helping us achieve this or would like some more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch

Keep an eye out in our Friday Bundle for more information and updates in the coming weeks!

Primary 1 and Primary 2: Pre-Loved Items
As you know, children lead their own learning through play in P1 and P2. Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area. We are once again, on the hunt for pre-loved items related to the children’s interests. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away.

This week, we would very gratefully receive the following resources to support our home corner and creativity area:

  • Kitchen utensils (e.g. spatulas, whisks, various sized spoons), kitchen scales, pots and pans
  • Old (clean) socks
  • Range of textile materials, fabric such as scarves, ribbons, laces, scrunchies
  • Cotton reels, curtain rings, beads, buttons, tubes, tins, springs, marbles, bangles, pegs
  • Natural resources such as stones, sea shells, feathers, pine cones, leaves, sticks, conkers, acorns…

If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Primary 3a: PE Day Change
P3a will now have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Could the children please come wearing their full PE kit on these days instead.

Primary 7: Leavers Hoodies
We know how much our P7 pupils look forward to wearing their P7 Leavers Hoody.  We are pleased to let you know that the Leavers Hoodies are now available to order should you wish to do so. Please have a read at the letter regarding how to order.

Primary 7: Bikeability
If you have not yet completed the Bikeability short form to confirm that you are happy for your child to participate in the Bikeability training sessions, please do so here:

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions (no matter how big or small) or queries. We are always here to help in any way we can.

Have a peaceful and enjoyable weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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