Parent News 24.02.2023

Hello everyone

World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March
We are looking forward to marking World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March at Netherlee. Please see the letter with more information about our planned activities.

Pupil Work Home
Today your child will have brought home their maths jotter and also a piece of work chosen by them to share with you.  We home you enjoy looking at, and discussing, your child’s work together.  Please pop their work back in their school bag on Sunday evening so that they have it for class on Monday.

Request for Parent Helpers
We are delighted that school life has pretty much returned to normal and we are now organising lots of school events and trips.  We are therefore, once again, looking for parent volunteers and helpers.  If you are able to help at all at any point throughout the school week or in the evenings, we would appreciate it if you could complete the online form and also confirm whether you are currently PVG registered or not.  Many thanks.

Could we please ask that wherever possible, if you have any change in pickup/collection arrangements for your child that you can let us know by 12noon or as early in the day as possible via email or by calling 0141 570 7260. This will help us to communicate with class teachers effectively.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to the Curriculum for Excellence. We are always looking for new ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during Celebrating Success assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill.  To help us celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible, we will share an Achievement Microsoft Form link in the Friday Bundle at the start of each month. We would encourage you to complete this if you wish to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done. We will also include a link to the form on our school website and school Twitter. We look forward to hearing about your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.
School Achievement Form

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here: February Meeting

Primary 1 and 2: Recycled Donations
As you know, children lead their own learning through play, particularly in P1 and P2. Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area. We are on the hunt for pre-loved items related to the children’s interests. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away that we can use. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance or in a carrier bag and given to the class teachers. Many, many thanks.

This week, we are looking for the following resources to support our Creativity area:

  • Junk modelling items: e.g. Toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes, cardboard boxes (such as delivery boxes, cereal boxes or shoe boxes), plastic bottles
  • Pieces of material (e.g. fabric or felt)
  • Decorative items: e.g. buttons, gems

Primary 2: Trip
A letter was sent home to parents regarding an upcoming trip.

Primary 3 to Primary 6: Parent Workshop and Information Evening
Please keep the evening of Tuesday 25th of April free for an opportunity to join staff in school for some fun and informative workshops. The evening will be from 6:30pm to 8pm and we will send further information nearer the time detailing what will be available. Looking forward to seeing lots of parents on the night.

Primary 4: World Book Day and Romans Topic
Primary 4 are going to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 2 March by having a Cosy Read.  They will be given reduced sugar hot chocolate and will have the option to add reduced fat squirty cream.  Could the children please bring in their own mug (and spoon if they would like the cream).  To make the time even more cosy they can also bring in a small cushion if they wish.  All known allergies have been taken into account so please ensure that your child’s health details, held in the school office, are up to date.

Also, as part of our Romans topic the children will be making shields.  Could children please bring in a cardboard box, if one is available from home only, to help with this.  These can be brought in from Monday.

Primary 4: Showcase

Please see the invitation for our P4 Showcase on Thursday 16th March. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Please note that there is a maximum of 2 adults per child.

Primary 7: Tea Party Fundraiser
Please see the letter regarding the P7 Tea Party Show Fundraiser on Friday, 10th March.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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