Parent News 18.11.2022

Hello everyone

Firstly this week, I have some news to share….one of my Principal Teachers (PT), Mrs Lorna Wharton will be leaving Netherlee next Friday to take up a new Depute Head Teacher post within another local authority.  Lorna is, and has been, a valuable and dedicated member of staff in Netherlee over the past 18 years and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her in her role as PT. I know you will wish to join me in wishing Lorna continued success in her continuing career, you will be a truly fantastic asset to your new school and families Lorna and we all wish you the very best for the future.

Message from the PTA: PTA Wear What you Want Day: 25th November
A little reminder, that on Friday, 25th November the PTA will be having a ‘Wear what you Want’ day in school, and if your child is able to please bring along a chocolate or bottle donation which will be collected at the gates as they go into school. Please see the poster for more information.

Message from the PTA: PTA Winter Fair: 1st December
We still need some volunteers to help us run the Winter Fair on the 1st December – if we all do a little, we can all enjoy the fair with our families too. Please sign up if you can help via this link Netherlee PTA ( Please see the poster for this exciting festive event.

Primary 1 Dental Inspections
Please have a read over the letter regarding the school dental inspection for your child, which will take place in school on 13th December.

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Recycled Donations
As you know, children lead their own learning through play in P1 and P2. Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area and resources. We are on the hunt for pre-loved items related to the children’s interests. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away that we can use to refresh our resources in the Open Area. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from 21st November. Many, many thanks.

This week, we are looking for the following resources to support our Role Play and Creativity area:

  • Shoe/Tissue boxes
  • Toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes
  • Yoghurt pots
  • Elastic bands
  • Jingly bells
  • Café role play items (e.g. aprons, tablecloths)

P2a Class Teacher

We’re delighted to let you know that Mrs Linn has been successful in securing an Acting Principal Teacher post here at Netherlee. She will start her new role on Monday 28th November and we’re sure she will do a fantastic job! Your child’s class will be taken on by Mrs Catherine Williams, who is a very experienced teacher who has taught in Netherlee Primary over the years, making her very familiar with the staff and pupils. There will be a robust and detailed hand over to ensure the transition to a new teacher is as seamless as possible for your children. Mrs Williams is really looking forward to working with the children in P2a!

Primary 3-7 Recycled Donations

Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items this term. We really appreciate it! This week we would gratefully receive any creative play materials from our wish list below. Please put any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Creative art items: Beads, Corks, Pinecones, Pompoms, Ribbons, Sponges and Kitchen Roll Tubes

Primary 6d Volunteers for the PTA Winter Fair – Thursday 1st December 6pm-8pm
Primary 6d are organising a festive decoration stall at the PTA Winter Fair on Thursday 1st December. The event will run from 6pm-8pm and we would ask for the children to volunteer for a half hour block on the evening. This will involve working with a member of staff at the Primary 6 stall.

If your child is able to help at the Winter Fair then please complete the Microsoft Form below. We will then send you a consent form via ParentsPortal to complete. Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary 7 Dental Inspections
Please have a read over the letter regarding the school dental inspection for your child, which will take place in school on 6th December.

Primary 7 Volunteers for the PTA Winter Fair – Thursday 1st December 6pm-8pm
We would like to ask for some Primary 7 volunteers to help at the PTA Winter Fair on Thursday 1st December. The event will run from 6pm-8pm and we would ask for the children to volunteer for a half hour block on the evening. This will involve working with a member of staff at the Primary 7 stall or the children’s games area.

If your child is able to help at the Winter Fair then please complete the Microsoft Form below. We will then send you a consent form via ParentsPortal to complete. Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary 7 National Entitlement Cards
We have been asked by the council’s Customer First Team to issue out consents to any Primary 7 pupil who have yet to sign up for the National Entitlement Card (NEC). Consents will be going home in school bags today, for anyone that this applies to. Can we please ask that these are returned to school by Friday 25th November.

Industrial Action
Just a reminder that, as per the Director’s letter sent yesterday, the school will be closed to all pupils on Thursday 24th November.  School will reopen to pupils on Friday 25th.

Have a lovely weekend

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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