Parent News 14.10.2022

Hello everyone

School Uniform Update and Reminders
Our adapted uniform policy, which introduced children wearing our PE uniform to school on PE Days, is going really well.  Overwhelmingly, both children and teachers feel that it makes getting ready for PE much more efficient with no time being wasted on getting changed etc.   Combining this with outdoor learning time on PE days is also working out very well too, helping children to be appropriately dressed for being outdoors.

As we are at the end of the first term, I feel that this is an appropriate time to highlight a couple of important points:

  • On PE Days, only PE uniform should be worn and children shouldn’t wear a combination of PE and non PE uniforms e.g. wearing a skirt over their shorts or joggers.  This makes the uniform policy less consistent, makes it more difficult for teachers to manage and also dilutes the policy’s effectiveness.   I would like to stress that this has been noticed in only a very small number of children however I do feel it is important to highlight this to you in order to continue to seek your support.
  • On set PE days (2 days per week) children can come to school in PE trainers. On the three other, shirt and tie days, children should wear all black shoes or boots.  If your child has trainer type shoes as school shoes, this is absolutely fine of course as many school shoes in shops are now more of a trainer type shoe and these can be harder wearing however, on non PE Days shirt and tie days these should be all black including the sole as per the policy sent out and can be found again here.

Again, I would like to stress that the above points only relate to very small numbers of children and overwhelmingly our pupils come to school every day fully supporting the uniform policy in its entirety.  I do therefore hope you can see the reasoning behind these two points however, like always, I am happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further discussion- please just give me a call on 0141 570 7260. Thank you again for supporting myself, the teachers and the school with, what seems like a very positive, progressive step.

Book Week Scotland – Book Sale
Please see letter regarding Book Week happening in school between 14th and 18th November.

Congratulations to Miss Bell
All staff in Netherlee would like to wish Miss Jilly Bell a wonderful day tomorrow for her wedding.  We all hope you have a very special day Jilly, you will be a simply beautiful bride and we can’t wait to see the photos.  We look forward to you returning as Mrs Jilly Ford on 24th after the holiday week.

Wooden Planters- What a Lovely Surprise- Thank You!
We would like to give a huge thank you to the 91st Netherlee Cubs and Mr McHale for making and delivering two wooden planters to us. As part of their DIY badge, the children made the planters from recycled pallets. They look fantastic! The P4 Gardening Club are really looking forward to planting in them to brighten up our outdoor spaces! Thank you once again for this kind contribution.

Expressive Arts

Do you, or someone you know, have a skill in art, drama, music or dance, that you would be prepared to come in and share with our children? If you do, please get in touch with Mr Bryce who would be delighted to discuss this with you.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any natural loose parts from our wish list below. Loose parts are any materials which can be combined, redesigned, lined up, taken apart and put back together in different ways. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from the 25th October. Many, many thanks.

Acorns, Conkers, Feathers, Pine cones, Pebbles, Shells, Sticks, Small bits of wood, Small stones, Twigs….

Parent Council Meeting
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on zoom at 7pm on Thursday 27th October. Further details will be published leading up to the meeting but if you have any questions or would like to attend please email Items likely to be discussed include the new school homework policy, and physical activity for the children of Netherlee. We look forward to welcoming as many parents and carers to the meeting as possible.

PTA Events
The PTA have some events planned for the next few months with the next event being an Autumn Fun Night on 28th October, including a pumpkin carving competition. Please see the autumn fun night poster, discos poster or go to for more details and how to enter!  Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court.

All volunteers, new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA so if interested please email

P4-7 Cricket Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Cricket Club, and how to register your child for the club.

P5 Football Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P5 football club, please see attached link regarding how to register your child for the club.

P6 Karate Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P6 karate club, please see the attached link regarding how to register your child for the club.

P6/7 Netball Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Netball Club, and how to register your child for the club.

P7 Vision Screening Letters

Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office. The School Nurses team will be in school on Tuesday 1st November.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday week. We look forward to welcoming our children back on Tuesday 25th October (please note Monday 24th is an In-service Day and therefore children should not attend that day).

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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