Parent News 06.01.2023

Hello everyone

A very happy new year to all of our Netherlee families.  I hope 2023 is a healthy, happy, peaceful and successful year for everyone. It has been a short first week back but it has been lovely to see all the children and staff again, well rested after a much needed holiday.

Yesterday, we once again welcomed several new children and families into Netherlee.  We realise moving schools is a significant event for anyone- both children and parents and I am delighted that the children who joined us yesterday have said they were looked after really well by their new friends in class and by their teachers and staff too.  I know that as parents new to a school it can also be difficult sometimes to meet other parents.  However, I know that our parent body will look after our new parents too, reaching out to any new faces you see standing at the gate etc.  Thank you for helping us to make Netherlee such a fantastic, inclusive and welcoming community.

Parent/ Teacher Meetings
You will remember that I sent out an online form before the holiday in order to gather parental views around the format for our twice yearly parent/ teacher meetings. Thank you to all parents who took a few moments to send in a response.   The survey results can be seen below and indicate a majority preference to return to face to face meetings. I have made my teaching staff aware of the findings of the survey and they have agreed to return to solely face to face meetings going forwards.  This will include for our next set of meetings in May.  Of course, I am sure you will understand that should any health and safety mitigations ever require to be reintroduced at any time we may need to reconsider the format of parent/ teacher meetings at that time.

In Person (Face to Face – 74% of responses
Virtual – 9%
Hybrid (choice of Face to Face or In Person) – 17%

Celebrating and Promoting Languages at Netherlee – Languages Week, Scotland 30th January – 6th February 2023
We have been busy in school and nursery preparing lots of interesting learning experiences for our children to enjoy during Languages Week, Scotland. As part of our Languages Week, we are really keen to involve our parents, carers and our wider Netherlee community including local businesses. We would love to hear from anyone who speaks another language in their day-to-day life and would be willing to share their skills and knowledge with us. If you would be able to volunteer during Languages Week to visit a class or group of classes to speak about another language then please complete the Microsoft Form below. Thank you in advance for making our Languages Week extra special!

School and Nursery Photographs
Please be aware that the scheduled date for school and nursery photos has been moved slightly earlier in the school/nursery calendar.  This year, there will be options of class, sibling and individual photographs.  The new date period is from Wednesday 15th to Friday 24th February 2023.  Additional information will be sent home nearer the time.

ELC Applications 2023-24
Please be advised that the new online application for 3/ 4yr old placements for new session 2023-24 is available on the East Renfrewshire Council website at the link  The deadline for submitting an online ELC application is 31st January 2023.

Finally, a little reminder that the next PTA Meeting will be held in our school Hub next Wednesday at 7pm- all parents/ carers are very welcome.  New parents, this is an ideal way to meet other parents too.  PTA meetings are very informal with lots of laughter and great sharing of ideas for working together to put on school and nursery events.  Some of the main points that we will be chatting about on Wednesday are the upcoming Chinese New Year Celebrations, Diversity Community Month in March and also a very special birthday happening very soon- Netherlee Primary’s 90th Birthday!  Do please come along if you have an hour to spare.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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