Parent News 03.02.2023

Hello everyone

Collectable Cards
The staff who support our children during intervals and lunchtime have communicated an increase in the number of incidents resulting from children trading collectable cards. Many of our children enjoy bringing in Pokémon cards and other collectable cards from home. If your child likes to bring these cards into school, we would request that you have a chat with them about the value (both monetary and personal) of their collectable cards and what it means if they trade a card with another child. Unfortunately, in recent weeks, the trading of these cards has resulted in a number of upsets and disagreements amongst some of our pupils which we very much want to avoid where possible.  If things continue like this, we may have no option but to stop the trading of cards in school or even have a ban on the cards coming into school altogether.  We are not yet at this point and we really don’t want to take this step as we know how much fun some children have with this activity however I hope you can understand if it does get to this point in the coming weeks.  Thank you for your continued support.

90th Birthday – special lunch
Please note that on Monday 6th February there will be a special lunch to mark the school’s birthday. The usual sandwich/baguette options will be available but the hot option will be mince and potatoes, vegetarian mince will  also be available. There will be cake and custard too. This can be ordered by the children as normal on Monday morning in school.

Thursday 9th February
As another part of our Netherlee’s 90th Birthday celebrations next week, all classes will have a fun ‘birthday party’ on Thursday 9th February. To add to the special occasion and in keeping with the birthday theme, your child is very welcome, should they wish, to bring in a small birthday snack from home to enjoy at the party. Please remember we are a nut free school- thank you.

School & Nursery Photographs
Please click on this link regarding class, sibling and individual photographs of your children.

Bikeability Helpers Wanted
Would you like to be involved in helping us to deliver Bikeability training in school to our Primary 6 year group? You would need to be able to undertake a training course over two mornings in February (16th &17th). If this is something you would like to be involved in please email us in the usual way and Mr Bryce will get in touch.

Primary 1 Health Checks
Please check your child’s bag for a letter regarding your child’s P1 health check.

Primary 3b Update
It is with mixed emotions that we share with you that Miss Faulkner has secured a new teaching post and will be leaving Netherlee on Wednesday 8th February. We are all very excited for her new adventure but we will miss her very much!

Your child will continue to be taught by Miss McNamee on a Thursday and a Friday but will be working with Miss Julie McGahon on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss McGahon’s first day in class will be on Wednesday 15th February and she is really looking forward to meeting and working with P3b. She will be coming into school to meet the class on Monday 6th February and she will also have a detailed handover of pupil information with Miss Faulkner then too.

Miss McGahon is very much looking forward to joining us here at Netherlee and we are delighted to have her.

Primary 4 Trip Reminder
Just a kind reminder that consent forms for the upcoming Primary 4 trip are in ParentsPortal for completion. A payment of £3.30 is also due via ParentPay.  If you have still to complete the consent form or arrange payment, we would appreciate if you do so by Tuesday 7th February.

Primary 5 Showcase
Please see the invitation for our P5 Egyptian Showcase. We are looking forward to seeing you all. Please note that there is a maximum of 2 adults per child.

Primary 7 Leavers’ Hoodies
Just a reminder that leaver’s hoodies are now available to order. Please have a read at the letter regarding how to order.

Primary 7 Tea Party – Be Our Guest
Primary 7 would love you to save the date, Friday 10th March, 11am – 12noon, to come along to our tea party. Tickets will be £2.50 a head and all profits will be going towards the school show, Beauty and The Beast. More information will be coming soon.

Young Scot Cards
A representative from Customer First will be coming into school on Wednesday 8th February to take photos for the P7s for their National Entitlement Card. As P7a and P7b are taking part in Bikeability that day it will just be the children in P7c and P7d who will be taken that day. The representative will organise another day to come in to complete the photographs for the other classes and also catch anyone who was absent on the 8th.

February Weekend
A gentle reminder that the school and nursery is closed on Friday 10th February (in-service day) and Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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