NPS Newsletter 01.12.24

Hello everyone

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Work Home
Your child will bring home pieces of maths and literacy work today to share with you over the weekend. We hope you enjoy looking over the work with your child and discussing their learning. Please could we ask that jotters are sent back into school on Monday 4th December. Thank you.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
We would like to continue to invite you to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done by completing the Wider Achievements form below. We are always looking for ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during stage assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill. We will check this form regularly so that we can celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible.
Wider Achievement Form

A Message From the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
On Monday, 4 December, we will be ready to collect any Tombola donations at the school gates.

  • Chocolates •Sweets •Drinks (alcoholic & non-alcoholic)

You can also drop off books for a special book store. Covering facts to fiction. Maybe you have books that tell the story of you, your heritage and culture. Let’s share and learn.

Community Events: Community Concert
Please see attached flyer regarding the Charity Christmas Concert being held in Netherlee Church on Tuesday, 12th December.

Community Events: Sports Classes
East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure’s new term of sports classes for children start this week. With over 100 classes per week, including; Badminton, Basketball, Football, Mini Kickers, Netball & Athletics – all led by their expert coaching teams. This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to a brand-new sport. You can search and book classes here:

Community Events: The Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE) is a national organisation led by Black and Minority Ethnic education professionals. They are hosting a conference on 7th December, for BME parents, educators and key stakeholders who support the whole school community. The key focus of the conference this year is ‘Building Capacity across the Parent Community‘. More details can be found by clicking on the link below. Please share this widely with your parent/carer community.

P1 Nativity and P2 Festive Musical Medley!
We are delighted to invite you to our P1 ‘Fireside Nativity’ and P2 Festive Musical Medley on Tuesday 12th December at 9.30am in our school atrium. The P1s will be accompanied by our P2 classes who will sing a selection of songs to get you in the mood for the festive season! We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults attend for each child- thank you. Doors will open at approx. 9.20am, ready for a 9.30am start. We are looking forward to seeing you then!

P3-P7 Open Classrooms
Once again, we are very much looking forward to opening our doors and welcoming parents/carers into school on Friday 15th December for Open Classrooms. We invite P5-7 parents between 9.30am and 10.00am and ask that you enter and exit via the main front door at reception.  P3-4 parents we look forward to welcoming you between 11:15am and 11.45am and we ask you to enter via the Clarkston Road Gate.  Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. We request a maximum of two adults per child. Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT)

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