NPS Friday Newsletter 17.11.23

Hello everyone,

Children in Need
A huge thank you for all your generous donations for Children in Need.  So far the school and nursery have raised £669.76 for Children in Need. If you would still like to make a donation, Parent Pay will be available over the weekend until Monday morning and we will confirm the total amount raised in next Friday’s newsletter.

We also took part in lots of fun experiences for Children in Need, organised by our Primary 7 House Captains. This included decorating our doors, wearing something spotty and doing some spotty artwork! We are very grateful for all of the donations we receive for this great cause.

St Andrew’s Day – Thurs 30th November
To mark St Andrew’s Day the children will be participating in a variety of activities. On Thurs 30th November children should come to school in their uniform as normal, if they would like to, they can add something tartan to it – scarf, tie, skirt, kilt etc.

Chatter Cafe
Due to unavoidable circumstances the Chatter Café on 22nd Nov has had to be cancelled but we will look forward to the next one on 31st January.

Equality & Diversity Parent/ Carer’s Group
Just a reminder to all our parents and carers that out first meeting will be on Wednesday 29 November, from 2.30pm until 3pm. We are looking for people who have ideas on how we can further enhance our school through a number of lenses: gender, race, culture, ethnicity or neurodiversity so please feel free to come along!

School Menu Change
Please find attached an altered temporary school catering menu which will come into effect from Monday 20th.  The temporary menu for Netherlee will be in place on a Wednesday only with the previously published menu being in effect on all other days.  This adapted menu will be in place until further notice.

Party Dates
To celebrate the end of Term 2, all our classes will have a little party during the school day. On your child’s party day, your child can ‘dress as they please’ (no football colours please) and also bring a small snack with them if they would like to- entirely optional. Please see all of the party dates below.

Primary 1 – Thursday 21st December
Primary 2 – Tuesday 19th December
Primary 3 – Wednesday 20th December
Primary 4 – Wednesday 20th December
Primary 5 – Thursday 21st December
Primary 6 – Friday 22nd December
Primary 7 – Friday 22nd December

Early Finish on Friday 22nd December
School will close slightly earlier than usual on this day. P1 and P2 will finish at 2.25pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Coming Together for Our School
We are getting ready for our Winter Fayre that will take place on Thursday, 7 December 2023. Please note the Change of Date for the Tombola collection and ‘Dress As You Like Day’. It is now on Monday, 4 December. Donations can be handed to volunteers in the morning at drop off. We would also appreciate non-alcoholic donations. We appreciate your support in making our Winter Fayre a fantastic event.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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