NPS Friday Newsletter 08.12.23

Hello everyone,

Feedback Friday
Just a reminder that on Friday, it is Feedback Friday. Can all home learning jotters/project work be brought into school with your child.

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah to all our families celebrating over the next 8 days. We hope you have a lovely time.

Winter Fayre
A huge thanks and well done to everyone who played their part in last night’s fantastic School and Nursery Fundraising Fayre. A very special mention to our fantastic PTA for their amazing help with planning and organising the event. A special mention to Mr Bryce, Miss Haughey and Mrs Gilchrist for all of their hard work with the admin and organisation beforehand. It was wonderful to see so many cheery, happy faces having such a fun festive evening. I have never seen a longer queue for a fayre stall than “Hit the Teacher with a  Snowball” had.  Finally, a huge well done to all the children who had made things, helped by wonderful staff and teachers. We are so proud of them – they were superstars!

Christmas Lunch
Christmas lunch this year will be on Wednesday 13th December and children will be able to order on the day..

The options for school will be: Soup, turkey and trimmings with potatoes and carrots or pasta in tomato sauce with mozzarella, followed by ice cream or fruit.  There will also be sandwiches baguettes and baked potatoes available.

‘Bring a Reading Text Back to Life’ Day – we need your donations please!
On Friday 15th December, we would like to invite you to donate any good quality reading texts that your family no longer has a use for to our school and nursery. At this time of year, we know that some families may be recycling old books or clearing out bookshelves at home! To help us to keep our Eco Friendly School values whilst also keeping the class libraries relevant for our children, we would appreciate any children’s texts from ages 3 – 11 years. This could include: picture books, fictional novels, poetry, comics, magazines, leaflets, pamphlets, non-fiction/ fact books, newspaper etc. If you have anything that your child is finished with and can spare, our P7 Librarians will be on hand at the school entrance during Open Classrooms (P3-7) on Friday 15th and also at the P1- 2 Nativity (Tuesday 12th) to collect any donations.   Alternatively, we would be very grateful of any donations on Friday 15th December  throughout the day- please just place any donations in our ‘Recycled Donations’ box at the main school entrance or put them in your child’s bag. Thank you in advance for your help in strengthening our classroom libraries this year!

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here: November 2023

Head Lice
Please see the link which includes information on head lice.

P4C Winter Biscuits
As part of their learning on Food Technology, Primary 4C will have the opportunity to decorate their own festive biscuits on Thursday 14th December. The ingredients are listed below. If you would not like your child to participate or eat the biscuits, please let us know via the school email.

Plain digestive biscuit

Primary 5: Titanic Cabins
Primary 5 have enjoyed learning about the Titanic. As we reach the end of our topic, we would like to invite the children to create their own Titanic cabins in class. If possible, please could you provide your child with a shoebox (or a box of a similar size). We will have materials available in class for decoration. However, it would be helpful if children could bring in materials from home to decorate their cabins with e.g. wallpaper, carpet and cardboard. The children can decide the class of the cabin they would like to make. Please could you bring your materials to school week beginning. Monday 11th December. We will be making our cabins on Friday 15th December.

Primary 7: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Primary 7 have been reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in class and would like to watch the film. We feel that this experience would add value to the children’s learning, as we will be able to compare and contrast the two types of media. We would like to watch this in the week beginning 11th December.  As The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 12 rating, we need to let you know that we would like to watch the movie in class.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office before the 12th December.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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