NNC Parent News 31.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Wow- what a busy and exciting term we have had! Diversity month was a great success. A very special thanks to those who visited our Nursery to talk to our children and staff about different countries, including Sweden, Spain, Italy and Africa. It was so interesting! The children also learned all about Sikhism from the Gurdwara and danced along to the beat of a Dhol drum played by Mrs Kaur’s son. Check out our pictures on our nursery and school twitter @sand_nc

Family Focused Gold Award: Update (School and Nursery)
As stated in last week’s Friday Bundle, we are hoping to achieve our Gold Award Accreditation on Friday 19th May.  As part of the Gold Award accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We need at least an 80% return rate, so we would be very grateful for your responses. Please click the links to access nursery parent and carer questionnaire and school parent and carer questionnaire. If you have a child in both school and nursery, we kindly ask that you complete the nursery questionnaire only if at all possible. The questionnaires will go live from Monday 17th April and will close on Friday 12th May 3pm. Thank-you for your continued support.

Breastfeeding Policy
We provide a warm and welcoming environment for breastfeeding families in our school and nursery. Our Family Room, situated near the front door of the school, provides a comfortable and quiet space where breastfeeding can take place without interruption or intrusion. Our staff are trained to offer support to breastfeeding parents and are aware of the aims and principles of our School and Nursery Breastfeeding Policy. Please note that this policy is available to view on our website too. You can access this policy, and others, through clicking on this link.

If you require to use our Family Room to enable you to breastfeed, please don’t hesitate to ask, our office staff will be able to help by showing you where the Family Room is.

Next Parent Council Meeting – Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in the school Hub
The next meeting of the school and nursery parent council will be at 7pm on Wednesday 19th April.  This will be in the hub in the school.  We hope to see as many parents and carers as possible and as ever will hear from the school leadership team on a number of issues, with the opportunity for free and open discussion.  If there is anything you would particularly like us to raise at the meeting then please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com.  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you after the holidays.

Have a brilliant and well-rested Spring Holiday with friends and family.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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