NNC Parent News 20.02.2023

Hello everyone,

It has been lovely catching up with the children and staff this week after our February weekend. The children were very excited to share what they had been up to with the staff! We hope you had a brilliant and well rested weekend with friends and family.

The staff were very busy at our in-service day on Friday. The school and nursery staff had the opportunity to share all of the great practice with each other as part of our development work for our School and Nursery Improvement Plan. It’s really important to have opportunities such as In-Service Days where all staff can share expertise and ideas across the whole team. This also reminds us that, although we may have a school and two nursery buildings, we are very much one big Netherlee community!

Cosy Corner
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment where possible. In order to meet our children’s needs, we have established a ‘Cosy Corner’ in both our Nursery buildings. This space allows children the time and space to relax in a calm, comfy and safe environment. We asked the children for some suggestions as to how to make these spaces even ‘cosier’. They came up with the lovely suggestion of adding some family photographs. Should you wish to include a family photograph in our Cosy Corner, please send these in to nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Pick Up Procedures: Reminder
For those whose children attend nursery for core hours (9-3pm), please ensure that children are picked up promptly by 3pm please. If, in an emergency situation, you are running late for any reason, please let us know by phoning 0141 570 7260.

Menu Change
On Wednesday 22nd February there will be a slight change to the lunch menu. The option will be fish fingers, potato and peas.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Saplings and Acorns learnings links. This enables you to have fun doing some similar experiences at home if you would like to.The song of the week is ‘Pop a Little Pancake into a Pan’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by clicking on your child’s Google classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Upcoming Courses for Parents/Carers
Please see the flyer regarding free parenting courses available. Further information can also be seen in the Sway.

Please see below information regarding 2 courses run locally in Barrhead with West College Scotland, each programme will last approximately 12 weeks.  If you would like to register your interest in these courses or find out more info please email adult.learning@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Getting Started in IT: enrolment date 22nd Feb 9.30am-12pm, starting 1st March 9.30am-12pm
Exploring Wellbeing: enrolment date 28th Feb 1.30pm-4.30pm, stating 7th March 1.30-4.30pm

We hope you have a nice weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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