NNC Parent News 18.11.2022

Hello everyone,

It was lovely to chat with all of our parents and carers this week regarding your children’s progress. Thank-you to all who attended over the past couple of weeks.

We would like to say a huge thank-you to Mrs Johal who led the Bhangra sessions in our Nursery. The children (and staff) had such a wonderful experience and learned some fantastic dance moves! You will see some pictures of the sessions on our school and nursery twitter @sand_c.

Proposed Industrial Strike Action
Following yesterday’s information about proposed Industrial Action, I am confirming that Netherlee Nursery class will be open from 9am – 3pm to all children on Thursday 24th November.  This means children who normally attend on a Thursday extended pattern (8am – 6pm), offered an alternative limited service of core hours (9am – 3pm) for this day only.  Normal communication channels via phone call or email will remain unaffected on these days, should you need to contact the nursery during 9am – 3pm.

I hope this information allows you to plan ahead for next week.

New Arrival Coming Soon
I am sure all parents will wish to join us in saying very best wishes and good luck to one of our nursery staff, Mrs Pamela Montgomerie as she stops on Friday 2nd December to get ready for the arrival of her new baby. Take the time to enjoy every minute of your maternity leave with your new bundle of joy. Jack will be such a wonderful big brother! Sending lots of love to you and your family. We can’t wait to see the photos.

What to bring to Nursery
It has been a little rainy recently- but that does not stop us! Whilst we do have some spare clothing items in nursery, we politely remind you that it is helpful if your child brings spare clothes to nursery each day, particularly extra socks to keep their little feet dry!

Christmas Party Times
As stated in last week’s Friday bundle, our Nursery Christmas party will take place in both buildings on Wednesday 21st December. They should come to nursery in their party clothes for day. To confirm, the Christmas Party will take place between 9:15am-11:30am. If your child does not normally attend on this day, please just let us know as they are more than welcome to join the party!

Learning Links
As stated in last week’s Friday Bundle, the learning links will now feature in the Friday bundle each week. Please click to view this week’s Acorns and Saplings Learning Links. The song of the week is ‘Humpty Dumpty’. The link to the song of the week can be listened to and enjoyed by logging in to your child’s Google Classroom via this link- enjoy. https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Recycled Donations

Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any small world items from our wish list below (please note “small world” means very small items). Please put any donations into a bag and hand into either of our nursery buildings. Many, many thanks.

Small world items: dinosaurs, animals and farm animals

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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