NNC Parent News 14.10.2022

Hello again everyone

It has been another rainy but exciting week here at Netherlee Nursery. The children have been taking part in lots of excellent experiences; including making slime, working together to build structures in our blocks area and using their words to create imaginative stories.

Parent and Carers Meetings
Our Nursery parent and carers meetings take place the week beginning 7th and 14th November. These appointments will take place in person with your child’s key worker. We hope that many of you enjoy the opportunity to talk with staff about your child’s learning. Sign-up sheets will be made available from Tue 27th October at each of our nursery buildings.

Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Consultation Survey
East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) are required to consult with families every 2 years on the delivery of early learning and childcare.  This helps inform the models that children are able to access in nurseries and family centres so that ELC remains flexible, affordable and accessible. The link to access the survey is https://forms.office.com/r/LAn7MpRDMN. The survey will be open until Sunday 30th October it only takes about 5 minutes. Thank-you for your support.

Nursery WOW Wall
Here at Netherlee, we love celebrating children’s achievements both in and out of nursery. If your child has celebrated a recent achievement for example swimming, dancing show, can ride a bike themselves etc. please let us know and/or bring in a photograph as we would love to display this on our Nursery WOW Wall.

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

Home Corner Resources

  • Telephones (old “digitally cleansed” mobiles or house phones)
  • Recipe books and magazines
  • Hats, scarves
  • Chunky costume jewellery
  • Aprons and oven gloves

Parent Council Meeting
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Zoom at 7pm on Thursday 27th October. Further details will be published leading up to the meeting but if you have any questions or would like to attend please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com. Items likely to be discussed include the new school homework policy, and physical activity for the children of Netherlee. We look forward to welcoming as many parents and carers to the meeting as possible.

PTA Events
The PTA have some events planned for the next few months with the next event being an Autumn Fun Night on 28th October, including a pumpkin carving competition. Please see the poster or go to pta-events.co.uk/netherleepta for more details and how to enter!  Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court.

All volunteers, new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA so if interested please email netherleepta@gmail.com

Book Week Scotland – Book Sale
Please see letter regarding Book Week happening in school between 14th and 18th November.

Wooden Planters- What a Lovely Surprise- Thank You!
We would like to give a huge thank you to the 91st Netherlee Cubs and Mr McHale for making and delivering two wooden planters to us. As part of their DIY badge, the children made the planters from recycled pallets. They look fantastic! The P4 Gardening Club are really looking forward to planting in them to brighten up our outdoor spaces! Thank you once again for this kind contribution.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday week.  We look forward to welcoming our children back on Tuesday 25th October (please note Monday 24th is an In-service Day and therefore children should not attend that day).

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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