NNC Parent News 09.02.2023

Hello everyone,

90th Birthday
This week we celebrated Netherlee’s 90th birthday. We started off the week with a special assembly.  Myself and some of our pupils told stories all about what Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class was like all those years ago! The children were fascinated to hear the stories from former pupils and members of the local community who had very kindly got in touch with us to share their memories.  We also made some fantastic party decorations, including bunting and party hats to prepare for the parties to celebrate the occasion. We had lots of fun playing party games and dancing to our favourite songs. Everyone at the school and nursery would like to say a huge thank you to everybody that has given up their time to make it such a special occasion. Please look at our school and nursery twitter.com/sand_nc_c.to see all the fun we had, including our amazing whole school and nursery 90th aerial photograph. Please remember to also listen to our Netherlee podcasts too. Here’s to another 90 years of Netherlee!

Parent Council Meeting:  7pm Wednesday 15th February in The Hub in School A quick reminder that our next parent council meeting is at the above time and we welcome all parents and carers from Nursery Class to p7, to have an open discussion on a range of topics concerning the children of Netherlee.  As always members of the School Senior Leadership team will also be there and we will also hear from some P7 pupils about the work of the Pupil Parliament and how we as a group can help them fulfil their parliament priorities.

If you have any topics you would like us to discuss please email netherleeparentcouncil@gmail.com and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Absence Procedures: Reminder
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please let us know by calling (0141 570 7260) or emailing us (nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk). In order to stop the spread of infection, if your child has been sick or has diarrhoea they should stay at home for at least 48 hours after the last bout. Children with unexplained rashes should be considered infectious until assessed by a medical professional. We use guidance from NHS Scotland and Care Inspectorate regarding exclusion periods for infection prevention.

School and Nursery Photographs
As you will be aware, our school photographer will be in school and nursery from Wednesday 15th February until Friday 3rd March. As promised in last week’s Friday Bundle, the timetables for whole class, individual, sibling and nursery photographs are attached for your information. A reminder that school children should wear their shirt and tie uniform on the day/s their whole class and individual photos are due to be taken as we have timetabled these sessions to avoid PE and outdoor learning days. Siblings photographs will be taken during week commencing the 27th February and, due to the logistics around timetabling, we cannot guarantee that the children will not be in their PE uniform for these pictures. Therefore, one sibling may be in their shirt and tie and another sibling in their navy polo shirt and PE uniform. As always, purchasing these photographs is entirely optional.

Please could we ask that the PE uniform policy is fully adhered to at all times and also for these photographs eg navy branded polo shirt, plain navy bottom items and that these items do not have visible branded logos, stripes, ticks or naming (eg Nike). Thank you for your continued support with this.

Nursery children can wear their normal nursery clothes.

As always, we will do our very best to include all children in the photographs but this may not be possible if a pupil is absent during Jane’s time at school and nursery.

Photo Timetable

Diversity Month
Thank you so much to all our parents and carers who took time to come in during International Languages Week. The children really enjoyed having you in and the staff were so grateful for all your input.

During the month of March we are celebrating Diversity Month and we would love to welcome even more volunteers into the school to enhance the children’s learning in traditional cultures, languages, traditions and religions from all over the world.

If you were born in another country, have lived, worked, volunteered or have family members who live in another country, we would love to hear from you! If you think this is something you could help with, please complete the attached link to the Google Form below by Friday 24 February 2023. This should take no longer than a few minutes of your time.

Diversity Month Volunteer

Thank you for your continued support. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any items from our wish list below to support our Literacy and Numeracy rich environment. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items below, please hand in to either of the nursery buildings. Many, many thanks.

  • Milk bottle lids
  • Corks
  • Measuring scales (e.g. kitchen scales)
  • Old telephones (landline)
  • Recipe books and magazines

PTA Family Quiz Night 22nd February
Please come along to join in a friendly family quiz night at 6.30pm on the 22nd Feb. The excellent Gavin Pearson will be our quiz master and we will have fun prizes.
Book your quiz spot here! Netherlee PTA (pta-events.co.uk).

We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing February weekend. School and nursery will reopen on Wednesday 15th February.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


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