NNC Parent News 04.11.2022

Hello everyone

What an exciting time we’ve had in Nursery this week! The Fire Service came to visit to talk with the children and staff about their job and also about firework safety.  The children even got a tour of the fire engine and got a shot of the firehose! Thank-you so much to the local Fire Station – the children (and staff!) had a wonderful time. Please keep an eye on our twitter feed @sand_c to see this in action!

Parent Appointments
Please remember that parent’s appointments begin next week (week beginning the 7th  November) and the following week (week beginning the 14th November). If you have not already done so, please choose a suitable date/time on the sign-up sheets at both nursery buildings – we really value being able to discuss your child’s progress at nursery with you during these meetings.

Learning Links
As you know, we currently share weekly Learning Links on your child’s Google Classroom. The Learning Links give an insight of children’s interests, the learning taking place in nursery and any seasonal or cultural events being celebrated.  The activities on this, enable you to have fun doing some similar activities at home if you would like to. To make this easier and more accessible for you the Learning Links grid will now also be issued via the Friday Bundle each week. Please click the links to view this week’s Learning Links for the Acorns and Saplings. The song of the week is ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’. The link to the song of the week can be listened to and enjoyed by logging in to your child’s Google Classroom via this link- enjoy.  https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Nursery Fund
We have regular fundraising events at Netherlee. These events help to raise money for our School and Nursery Funds. Our Nursery Fund helps to provide additional fun, “special” items as well as some toys and games to enhance the children’s learning experiences. As well as having regular fundraising events, we also welcome voluntary payments from parents to our Nursery Fund.  Ideally, a voluntary donation of £30 for this session would be most welcomed. This donation can be paid at any time via ParentPay. This could of course also be given in three termly instalments of £10. However, we fully understand that these are difficult times for all families right now and as such, any smaller donation of your choice would also be greatly appreciated, again made through ParentPay. Many thanks.

Nursery WOW Wall
Thank you to all of you who have shared your children’s little achievements from home. We love celebrating these as well as their achievements in nursery too. Please do let us know of any new or ongoing achievements for example swimming, dancing shows, can ride a bike themselves etc. Simply drop us an email or bring in a photograph at drop off and collection times, we would love to display this on our Nursery WOW Wall.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated recycled items that they would otherwise be throwing out to our nursery. This week we would gratefully receive any cosy items for our story corner, many, many thanks.

  • Small rugs
  • Blankets/Throws
  • Cushions

Health and Social Care Partnership
Please see a letter from HSCP who are experiencing significant pressures in care at home and are progressing a winter recruitment campaign.

Parent Council Meeting
Please see the meeting highlights newsletter from the Parent Council Meeting on 27th October.

PTA Update
Netherlee PTA would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the pumpkin trail event and the recent discos. It has been lovely to get back to hosting fun events in the school. If you would still like to donate the link is Netherlee Primary PTA | Localgiving.

We are looking ahead to our winter event on the 1st of December which will hopefully be a super event for the whole school and nursery community – but we will need your help to make it a success. We want to bring back the very popular chocolate and bottle tombola’s and offer a variety of activities alongside the stalls. This will take lots of helping hands, both at the fair and on the dress as you please day too. If we all help a little, we can all have time to enjoy the fair with our families too. All the volunteer opportunities are listed here, please sign up so we can be confident the event will go ahead. Netherlee PTA (pta-events.co.uk)

Have a lovely weekend

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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