NNC Newsletter 25.08.2023

Hello everyone,

What a marvellous week we have had in Netherlee Nursery! The children are settling in really well and are becoming more confident with our daily routines, which is great to see! They have been enjoying playing and learning together and making lots of new friends.

Add-on Hours
Please find attached communication regarding Availability of Additional Hours to Purchase for Netherlee Nursery Class for next session.  If you have any queries on the attached, please don’t hesitate to call 0141 570 7260 or email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.
Add-On Letter

Stay and Play Sessions
Our first Stay and Play sessions will take place during week beginning Monday 11th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available on the week beginning Monday 4th September at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions. We are really looking forward to welcoming you to our nursery!

Home Learning and Google Classroom
Learning at home for nursery aged children should take place through everyday activities including play and general family life, such as food preparation, gardening, setting the table, sorting washing and cooking. It can also happen through curriculum related activities, home learning, reading and sharing books. Activities at home can be specifically designed to help you engage in your child’s learning and build upon playful learning experiences from nursery.

Each month, we will post a home learning experiences grid (previously known as ‘learning links’) on Google Classroom. This will feature some suggestions of fun, play based learning experiences that you may wish to complete with your child at home. These experiences will also give an insight into the children’s interests, learning focus and/or seasonal or cultural festivals.  You will receive Glow log in details and information regarding our Nursery Google Classroom in due course.

Parent and Carer Volunteers
Do you have a particular skill or interest? The children and staff would really love to learn from you!  We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the nursery to carry out an activity with our children based on particular skills or interests you might have, such as sewing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening or woodwork.

Also, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions such as emergency or health care services or a visit from a dentist to talk to children about looking after their teeth. If you have a profession you think you could share with the children, please do let us know! If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email at nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Cosy Corner
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment, where possible. In order to meet our children’s needs, we have established a ‘Cosy Corner’ in both our Nursery buildings. This space allows children the time and space to relax in a calm, comfy and safe environment. We will be continuing to add family photographs to these spaces to make these spaces even ‘cosier’. Should you wish to include a family photograph in our Cosy Corner, please send these in to nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Dates for your Diary
It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2023/24 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be updated on the calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

MMR Vaccines
Please see attached letter regarding children being fully vaccinated against measles.
MMR vaccine letter

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our first Parent Council Meeting of the new session which will take place on Wednesday, 30th August at 7pm in our school Hub. If you are a new or existing parent, we would love to welcome you along! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to also hear about and be involved in the life and work of our Netherlee school and nursery community. The agenda for the meeting is below:

Minutes of previous meeting
Head teacher report – including School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP) review
PTA update
PC cluster collaboration
Parking Clarkston Road
Mobile phone community action
Update: Communications – Constitution review
Communication to PC members (WhatsApp group – Minute taking volunteers)
Membership update: Election of any new members, Resignations according to the constitution (non-attending members).

Community Event:
STEM Event at Barrhead Foundry
Come along with your family and friends to our interactive, inspiring exhibitions with some fantastic companies in the amazing world of STEM. From robots to VR and even electric cars!  Insp-Hire is an initiative geared towards targeting parents and carers of children and young people from ages 4-14 to learn about industry 4 and how this will impact their children. This event is FREE to attend, it’s great for a family fun day and lots for everyone to join in with some amazing prizes to be won throughout the day!  More information can be found here: Insphire Event.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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