NNC Newsletter 25.05.2023

Hello everyone

We hope that many of you enjoyed the opportunity to talk with staff about the progress your child has made during their year at nursery. It’s a really lovely time to reflect on your child’s increasing independence and progress while playfully learning lots of new things.

Nursery Tie Gifting

We are very excited to invite you to our Nursery Tie Gifting for children leaving Netherlee Nursery to start school in August. This will take place on Thursday 15th June and Friday 16th June between 9.45-10.45am.  Both events will take place in the Saplings building. We kindly ask that a maximum of two guests per child attend the Tie Gifting.

Please see dates and times below for the groups:

  • White, Red and Orange (Acorns) and Blue Group (Saplings): Thursday 15th June 9.45-10.45am. Staff will take children to and from the Acorns to the Saplings on the day of the Tie Gifting.
  • Yellow, Pink, Green and Purple Group: Friday 16th June 9.45am-10.45am

The tie gifting will take place in the outdoor play area at the back of the Saplings building unless there is adverse weather. Parents and carers should arrive through Saplings gate and enter through the side gate in the P3/4/5 playground please.

Those not attending the tie gifting (including our younger children) on the above dates should still attend their normal nursery session. If your child does not normally attend on the days of the tie gifting, please just let us know should they still wish to take part- they are of course more than welcome and we would love to have them join us.

King Charles III Artwork
Thank-you to those who have very kindly donated towards our nursery fund in return for your child’s artwork so far. We are very grateful of your generosity and support.

All children have created a piece of artwork to mark the King’s Coronation. These will be displayed outside our nursery doors at drop off and collection for you to collect their artwork. To raise money for the nursery fund, in return for the artwork, we would be delighted and very appreciative if you could make a donation of £3 in cash. All money raised will go towards the nursery fund, to help us pay for such things as ingredients for cooking, outdoor seeds etc. Thank you.

Community News – Busby Foodbank
We have been asked to let all families know that the Busby foodbank is here to support families through this difficult time.  Opening hours at Busby Parish Church are a Tuesday from 1pm-3pm.

Community News – The Autistic Collective
The Autistic Collective recently announced the next event open to anyone who lives or works in East Renfrewshire.  On Monday 5th June at 11.00am, Dr Chloe Farahar, Aucademy and Ben Usher-Barrass, Autisticality are exploring “Autistic Wellbeing; What works?” More information can be found in the attached invitation.


We would like to remind you that nursery is closed on Friday 26th May for the May weekend. We look forward to welcoming you back to nursery on Tuesday 30th May.

Have a wonderful, long weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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