NNC Newsletter 10.11.23

Hello everyone,

We want to wish a Happy Diwali to those who celebrate this weekend! Also, we want to give a special thanks to our wonderful Mrs Kaur for sharing the beautiful traditions of Diwali with the children. We loved hearing about how you and your family celebrate.

Working in Partnership with Families at Netherlee
At Netherlee Nursery, we value working in partnership with our parents and carers and welcome your views. We would love to hear your feedback with regards to our transition to nursery in order to evaluate our practice. Our Settling Policy, along with others, are available to view on our nursery website. You will find some questions about this situated at our nursery doors for you to write your feedback. We would love to hear your thoughts!

Family Photographs
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment where possible. We will be continuing to add family photographs to our home and cosy corners to make these spaces even ‘cosier’. Should you wish to include a family photograph in these spaces, please send these in to nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Toys from Home
We are very fortunate that our nursery has an abundance of toys and equipment for our children to enjoy playing with.  As such, we would kindly ask that no toys are brought from home to nursery unless really necessary to comfort children. Thank-you for your support.

Book Bug
Each session will take place over two dates (please see below) and we would love you to join us if you are free.  The sessions last approximately thirty minutes. Please be reminded of the dates and times below:

Tuesday 14th November
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable for you, please don’t worry as we will run more sessions later in the year. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times of the ERC sessions.

Winter Fayre Survey
The P6/7 Creative Group are hosting a stall at the Winter Fayre and would like to carry out some market research before starting to make our products. We are planning to make three items: slime, tree decorations and home baking.  We would like to find out if you would be willing to purchase these items and if so, how much you would be willing to spend on these. All responses are anonymous and we would ask that your response is posted by Friday 17th November using the link following link: https://forms.gle/3AHx9WB44WUEJrG16.  If you have any further questions, please email Mrs Linn at school mail SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. Thank you for your time.  P6/7 Creative Group

Please also see attached flyer from the PTA regarding the upcoming Fayre [removed as event has happened]

Celebrating Diwali
We hope all our families who celebrate Diwali have a lovely time celebrating this weekend. As you know, we are always looking for our Netherlee Community to share their beliefs, traditions and expertise with our children and we are very lucky that Mrs Kaur, one of our nursery Child Development Officers, is going to speak to everyone in the school and nursery about this important religious festival. Mrs Kaur has also very kindly said she will bring in a selection of delicious treats called Gulabjaman, Jalabi and Barfi to share with the children as part of the traditions if they wish to try these in school and nursery. The ingredients of these are:

  • Semolina
  • Butter
  • Plain flour
  • Sugar syrup
  • Milk powder
  • Food colouring

We have a note of your child’s dietary requirements however, if these have changed, please email SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or NurseryMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk and we can update our records. Similarly, if you would prefer your child did not try the traditional treats or if you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Linn.

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our next Parent Council Meeting which will take place on Wednesday, 22nd November at 7pm in our school Hub. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to also hear about and be involved in the life and work of our Netherlee school and nursery community. The agenda for the meeting is below:

  • Minutes of previous meeting and taking of next meeting
  • Head Teacher and Staff Team Update
  • Communication – Consultation
  • PTA update – Christmas Fayre
  • SNIP Priority – Nurture and the Lighthouse
  • Membership update
  • School Report update
  • AOB: RSHP & periods, ERC Citizen Panel, Connect update, Comms Newsletter support, parking details reminder.

We look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces along to the meeting at 7-8.30pm for a cuppa, biccy and chat!

Community Events – Pro Judo are offering a 4-week, free trial for pre-school children to take part in Judo activities. Please see the flyer attached for more information. If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Linn at SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. [flyer removed as event has happened].

Have a wonderful weekend,

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