NNC Newsletter 03.11.23

Hello everyone,

We hope that children who celebrated Hallowe’en this week had a spooktacular time! It was lovely to hear about what or who they were dressing up as, the jokes they told and all the yummy sweets they ate.

It is almost time for another exciting event this weekend- Bonfire Night! For those of you planning to attend a display, we hope you have a brilliant time. Remember to wrap up, stay safe and enjoy the show!

Thank you again to our parents and carers who attended parent’s appointments this week. We look forward to welcoming those with appointments next week to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Week Scotland
Please see the information letter about Book Week Scotland.

Book Sale
Our Book Sale will be available to visit on Wednesday 8th November 3.10-7pm in the Hub. This will be the final opportunity to visit. Please remember it is cash only. Thank you so much to all our families who have visited so far. We really appreciate it!

Children In Need
Please see attached a letter from our House Captains regarding our Children in Need Charity Event on Friday, 17th November.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. We look forward to hearing about you and your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.

Home Learning Experiences
Learning at home for nursery aged children should take place through everyday activities including play and general family life, such as food preparation, gardening, setting the table, sorting washing and cooking. It can also happen through curriculum related activities, home learning, reading and sharing books. Activities at home can be specifically designed to help you engage in your child’s learning and build upon playful learning experiences from nursery.

Each month, we will post a home learning experiences grid (previously known as ‘learning links’) on Google Classroom. This will feature some suggestions of fun, play based learning experiences that you may wish to complete with your child at home. November’s home learning experience grid will be available from next week and can be accessed by logging on to your child’s Google Classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Bikeabiltity – We Need Your Help

At Netherlee we deliver cycling proficiency, Bikeability, training to all of our pupils, normally during P6, as part of the PE curriculum. To do this we require between 3 & 4 adults per class and over the years we have been very fortunate to have had a group of parents that were able to give up some time and come along and help. Unfortunately, most of these families have now moved on from Netherlee and their children are at high school. We are planning to deliver Bikeability for P6 in Term 4, April/May, however, if we do not manage to get more adults to come and help this may not prove possible.  If you would be able to spare some time in April and May to help deliver Bikeability please get in touch. As well as coming to the school to deliver Bikeability in April and May, you would need to attend two training days on Thursday 1st February and Friday 2nd February 9am-12.30pm at Carolside Primary School. If you think that you would be able to help, or would like more information, please get in touch via schoolmail- thank you. A leaflet can be found here with more information.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Coming Together For Our School and Nursery
Pumpkin Trail Roundup (Autumn Event)
Thank you to everyone who came along to support the school at our autumn event on Friday, 27 October. What a wonderful turn out and the sense of community was heart-warming. We did learn that at our next event we will have more drinks and food! Do come again! With your generous support, including the Localgiving donations, a total of £900 was raised. Thank you very much! On that basis there are now funds available for the immediate expenses we need:

  • £500 for the shed. We hope to supplement this amount with monies raised through the uniform sales.
  • £210 to book a silent disco for the house awards, and
  • £300 for a curriculum based trip to the Science Centre.

To everyone that took part in the pumpkin trail, we were spectacularly spooked by all the amazing creations. A loud three cheers to the indispensable volunteers who have made things happen: our P6 and P7 volunteers who stepped in and helped us on our merchandise stand and a special thanks to our team of judges who helped with organising our pumpkins and our team who helped with tidying up; Mrs Donaldson, Mrs Edgar, Mrs Andrew, Mrs Linn, Miss Centola, Miss Qasim, Miss Maclean and Mrs Ford who helped at the bar, witches hat, face paints and pumpkins; Mr Martinez and the cleaning staff for their support; Andy and Mick Jaffrey for running front of house at the food stand; Linda and Collette McLean for being there from the beginning to the end; Iain MacDonald, Mick Jaffrey, Julie Bell for keeping us hydrated in a suitably spectacular fashion; Danny McKay for looking after the doughnut game; Marie Macintyre for keeping us right at the witches hats and Dave McCulloch for negotiating our soccer skills; Jo Atkinson for once again making sure there was a fun craft table and to Paul for bringing order to the messy tombola pumpkins.

Winter Fayre
Save the date! The Winter Fayre is taking place on Thursday, 7 December 2023. (See the attached leaflet.) The choir will start the festivities at 6:20pm, and will lead us through the door when it opens at 6:30pm. The tombola collection and “dress as you like” is due on Friday, 1 December. More details to follow. If you are able to help on 1 December with the collection and the sorting of the tombola, and / or you are able to assist at the Winter Fayre, then please email netherleepta@gmail.com.

Uniform sales
You should have received your September / October orders that were distributed in school, last week. Again, thank you for your support. “Many hands make light work” very much applies to the packing of these uniforms.

  • Thank you to Suman, Gaby and Fiona who very kindly helped us to sort and pack the orders.
  • To Alyson and her team in the office, who delivered the parcels to the classes, thank you.

Our next sale is scheduled to start on Friday, 12 January 2024.

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