NNC Friday Newsletter 15.12.23

Hello everyone,

Wow, what a busy and festive week it has been! We had our Celebrations this week in Nursery. It was such a joy watching the children perform for the grown-ups. Thank-you again to our wonderful staff who helped put this together, our talented Primary 7 helpers and of course the fantastic Mr Watson. Thank-you to all parents and carers who came along- we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Netherlee Nursery Staff News
Next Wednesday (20th December), we will say goodbye to the amazing Mrs Fiona Daley, who is retiring after 20 years of working at Netherlee Nursery. Thank you for all the laughs, your hard work and kindness you have shown to the children in your care. It’s now your time to relax! On behalf of everyone at Netherlee- we will miss you all very much and wish you all the very best in what’s next.

Communications Team Podcast
Episode one of our first podcast called ‘Netherlee Primary’s Podcast from the Pupils’ is available for you to listen to: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/netherlee-primary/episodes/Podcast-from-the-Pupils–Episode-1-e2c8vle.

Christmas Party: Wednesday 20th December
Please be reminded that our Nursery Christmas party will take place in both buildings on Wednesday 20th December. Children can come to nursery in party clothes if they want to. The Christmas Party will take place between 9:30am-11:30am. If your child does not normally attend on this day, please just let us know as they are more than welcome to join the party! We will also have a special guest joining us too… Ho! Ho! Ho!

Parent and Carer Volunteers: Storytelling with Children
Reading together offers an opportunity for parents and children to connect. We are welcoming parents and carers to join us at the nursery for a lovely reading session with the children. You are welcome to browse from our collection of books, allowing the children to choose one of their favourites, or feel free to bring along a story from home! If this is something you would be interested in, please drop us an email on nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Netherlee School and Nursery Library Pop Up
In the new year, we will be opening up our school library once a month to our wider school and nursery community. On Thursday 18th January from 3.15-4.00pm our library will be open to our families. Our first library ‘pop up’ will have a focus on sharing our English as an Additional Language texts. We will have our diverse collection of reading texts available for you to enjoy with your child (ren). You are welcome to read with your child in the library at this time or take a reading text out on loan. There will be a small collection of adult texts to choose from too! Mrs Pollock, Mrs Ford and some of our P7 librarians will be on hand there to help you and to serve a wee selection of food, juice and teas/coffees too! We hope you can make it along to our first pop up and across the year we will have different monthly pop ups including focuses on authors such as Roald Dahl, Julia Donaldson and Scottish authors. If you are interested, then please come to the main school entrance as close to 3.15pm on Thursday 18th January from 3.15-4.00pm and we can take you to our library.

In Nursery, we use the Hanen approach when story-telling. Please click here to find out some strategies you can also use to enhance storytelling at home.

Recycled Donations
We are always on the lookout for opportunities to make use of any old items that may otherwise be thrown away. These are items which we can use to support and enhance the children’s play and learning experiences in the nursery.  We are looking for a sewing box to enhance our sewing and weaving areas. If you do have this item, or any other items which you feel would be of use, we would greatly appreciate if you could drop this item off to either of our nursery buildings. Thank-you.

Unclaimed Raffle Prizes from Winter Fayre
There are some unclaimed prizes from the Winter Fayre last week.  If you have any of the winning tickets below, please bring your ticket to the school office to collect you prize. Winning numbers: 103, 131, 151, 160, 162, 203, 214, 232, 251, 259, 270, 287, 307, 321, 343, 355, 358, 381, 425, 461, 487 and 511.

Early Finish on Friday 22nd December
Just a reminder that nursery will close slightly earlier than usual on this day at 2.30pm.

Community Events:
Free activities and events in your community library in December – Children and Young People – East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure (ercultureandleisure.org)

Have a wonderful weekend,


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