NNC Friday Newsletter 08.12.23

Hello everyone,

The children and staff have been busy practising their festive songs with our music teacher, Mr Watson and his P7 helpers. We cannot wait to welcome you all to our performance! Ho! Ho! Ho!

We also want to say a big thank-you to parents and carers who have volunteered to read with the children. If you would also like to volunteer or would like more information, please contact Jennifer McCann on 0141 570 7260 or nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. Thank-you.

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah to all our families celebrating over the next 8 days. We hope you have a lovely time.Winter Fayre
A huge thanks and well done to everyone who played their part in last night’s fantastic School and Nursery Fundraising Fayre. A very special mention to our fantastic PTA for their amazing help with planning and organising the event. A special mention to Mr Bryce, Miss Haughey and Mrs Gilchrist for all of their hard work with the admin and organisation beforehand. It was wonderful to see so many cheery, happy faces having such a fun festive evening. I have never seen a longer queue for a fayre stall than “Hit the Teacher with a  Snowball” had.  Finally, a huge well done to all the children who had made things, helped by wonderful staff and teachers. We are so proud of them – they were superstars!

Christmas Lunch
Christmas lunch this year will be on Wednesday 13th December. The nursery option will be: turkey and trimmings with potatoes and carrots or pasta in tomato sauce, followed by ice cream and fruit platter.

Nursery Christmas Celebration
We are very excited to invite you to our Nursery Christmas Celebration next week. The children will be performing some festive songs to get us in the Christmas spirit. All celebrations will take place in the Saplings building.  There will be two performances for each building. We are kindly asking parents and carers to attend over two performances and that a maximum of two guests per child attend the celebrations. The celebration will last approximately 40 minutes.  Please see dates and times below:

Acorns: Thursday 14th December
9.45am: Yellow and Red Group
2pm: Green Group
Staff will take children to the Saplings and back to the Acorns after the Christmas Celebration.

Saplings: Friday 15th December
9.30am: Purple and White Group
2pm: Orange and Pink Group

If your child does not normally attend on the days of the celebrations, please just let us know should they still wish to take part- they are of course more than welcome!

Special Books
We hope you thoroughly enjoyed looking through your child’s special book this week. We kindly ask that these are returned by Monday 11th December and that the family involvement feedback sheet has been completed. Thank-you.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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