NNC Friday Newsletter 08.09.2023

Hello everyone,

What beautiful weather we have had this week! The children have been having lots of fun in the sun with their friends, having their snack outside and keeping cool in the shade.

They have also loved taking part in Mini Kickers football sessions on a Wednesday afternoon, run by ERC football development. They have been practising lots of physical skills, including running, jumping, catching and kicking. Thank-you to Tommy Millar who has carried out the sessions with the children. They have had a brilliant time.
Mini Kickers

This week, music with the fabulous Mr Watson, our school music teacher, has also started. The children have been working on their rhythm and keeping to the beat whilst practising some singing. Mr Watson will alternate between the Acorns and the Saplings buildings each week, along with some P7 helpers too.

Playground Crossing
In order to minimise footfall and to ensure we can keep everyone safe, we kindly ask that parents and carers refrain from entering and crossing the P6/7 playground when dropping off and collecting children. Parents and carers should use the lane beside the pitch and enter/exit using the gate nearest the Acorns or Saplings building. Thank-you for your support.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

We look forward to hearing about you and your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.

Stay and Play
Please be reminded that our first Stay and Play sessions will take place next week (week beginning Monday 11th September).  These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery. Please speak to a member of staff when dropping off or collecting your child if you have not managed to sign up to a suitable slot but would like to join in.

Maths Week Scotland
We are delighted to share with you that our school and nursery will once again be taking part in Maths Week Scotland from 26th September – 29th September. This year the focus is ‘Maths in Motion’. Our Maths Champions, Child Development Officers (CDOs) and class teachers are busy planning and organising a variety of exciting, engaging and fun activities to enthuse our children in all things maths, but we would really like to involve our Netherlee parents and carers and we need your help please.

We would like to invite volunteer parents, carers and relatives to speak with the children about how maths ‘makes the world go round’ and is crucial and relevant to all of our day-to-day lives and work. As always, we want to continue to promote a positive attitude towards Maths across our nursery and school.

If you feel that you could share how your life involves maths, we would very much appreciate you coming into school and /or nursery to share your expertise, experience and knowledge. As the theme is ‘maths in motion’ your knowledge could be about maths through travel, sports, space, film, technology, time, financial education, decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning or timetabling… anything at all! Our children really enjoy seeing ‘real life adults’ out with our school and nursery staff, they gain so much from these experiences and are always very keen to ask lots of questions!

If you would like to talk to us about how you could help us during Maths Week, please simply contact us via email at SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk by Wednesday 20th September. If you are unable to visit us in person but are keen to share your knowledge and experiences, we would be delighted to arrange for you to speak virtually to the children over Google Meet or to even send us any material that you feel we could share with them.

Thank you very much for helping us and for volunteering in this way, if you can.  Lynn Sweeney (DHT)

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter. We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found hereMeeting Highlights

A Note from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

*Coming Together For Our School*
The PTA is getting ready for 2023/24. Start getting your pumpkins carved and ready for our Pumpkin Trail in October and we are looking forward to another smashing winter fair. We will keep you updated and the school calendar at will be updated with further events and activities.

*Offer a smile and lend a hand*
If you can pack a uniform, sort tombola, pour a cup of coffee, hand out sweetie bags, stuff a sausage in a roll, be a Santa or do any such tasks, there is a place for you. None of this will be possible without the invaluable support from our parents and carers. A special shout out to all our new parents and carers, and any grandparents who said they want to get involved.  Email netherleepta@gmail.com with your contact details and let us know that you are here to help.

Community Events: Libraries
East Renfrewshire libraries have a fantastic range of free events and activities throughout the month of September. Pease visit the website: East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure

Community Events: Mini Kickers
Please see attached a letter East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure regarding their football mini kicker programme. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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