Friday Newsletter 12.05.2023

Hello everyone,

A big congratulations to one of our school and nursery parents, Mrs Cross, who recently published her own book ‘Grow, Cook, Inspire’. Well done- this is a fantastic achievement.

Living Streets Walk  to School Week
As you know, on Monday 15th till Friday 19th May, we are taking part in the Walk to School Week led by Living Streets. The aim of this week is to help encourage as many children as possible to experience the benefits of walking to school and in day-to-day life. We had a special assembly this week to learn more about how to take part and each class has received a Living Streets challenge pack which includes an activity diary if children wish to record if they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) to school during the week. Park and Stride involves parking or hopping off public transport at least ten minutes away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Our P4 Wellbeing Committee will be leading an active warm up on Monday morning to launch the start of the week alongside Strider the Living Streets mascot. Our nursery children will have a special visit from Strider too! We hope by taking part in this week we can raise awareness of the health benefits of walking and that it is fun! We would also like to say thank you for completing our Living Streets Active Travel parent survey earlier this year and for your continued support.

PTA AGM & Uniform Sale
The Netherlee PTA is having its AGM on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, at 7pm in the Hub at Netherlee Primary School. Anyone is welcome to attend. We are calling all our parents and carers who would want to volunteer some of their time, skills, talents or creative suggestions to get in touch with us. We are especially looking for volunteers for the Treasurer and Secretary functions. If you are willing to take on these roles we would not necessarily ask you to commit to every meeting and event. We can adapt and appreciate any time and support you can give to the PTA. We are looking to include all parents and carers in our wonderful school community. Being dads, mums, grandads, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, the list goes on. Please email to let us know.

Our May 2023 new badged uniform sale is on!
The uniform samples will be available to view at the Saplings building from Tuesday, 9 May, until Friday, 26 May, from 8am – 6pm. We recommend that you try on items for size as we do not keep stock and cannot exchange items. Netherlee PTA always strives to offer the best value and quality for our parents / carers, and we work closely with the school to ensure consistency. For that reason we would encourage you to purchase the school hoodie via the PTA. We appreciate your continued support in this to help further our fundraising efforts. We are also looking forward to welcoming all our new starts. Email if you need any assistance.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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