NNC Newsletter 03.11.23

Hello everyone,

We hope that children who celebrated Hallowe’en this week had a spooktacular time! It was lovely to hear about what or who they were dressing up as, the jokes they told and all the yummy sweets they ate.

It is almost time for another exciting event this weekend- Bonfire Night! For those of you planning to attend a display, we hope you have a brilliant time. Remember to wrap up, stay safe and enjoy the show!

Thank you again to our parents and carers who attended parent’s appointments this week. We look forward to welcoming those with appointments next week to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Week Scotland
Please see the information letter about Book Week Scotland. Continue reading

NPS Newsletter 03.11.23

Hello everyone

We hope that children who celebrated Halloween this week had a spooktacular time! It was lovely to hear about what or who they were dressing up as, the jokes they told and all the yummy sweets they ate.

It is almost time for another exciting event this weekend- Bonfire Night! For those of you planning to attend a display, we hope you have a brilliant time. Remember to wrap up, stay safe and enjoy the show!

Thank you again to our parents and carers who attended parent’s appointments this week. We look forward to welcoming those with appointments next week to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Week Scotland
Please see the information letter about Book Week Scotland.

Book Sale
Our Book Sale will be available to visit on Wednesday 8th November 3.10-7pm in the Hub. This will be the final opportunity to visit. Please remember it is cash only. Thank you so much to all our families who have visited so far. We really appreciate it!

Children In Need
Please see attached a letter from our House Captains regarding our Children in Need Charity Event on Friday, 17th November.

School Flu Immunisation
The School Nurses team will be in school on Monday 6th November to immunise the children.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue Competition
Our wonderful P7 Equality and Diversity Councillors have visited all classes over the past week to tell them all about the 10th anniversary of the multi-lingual poetry competition, Mother Tongue Other Tongue.

This year there are two categories: one for children who have English as an additional language, and speak another language at home (Mother Tongue) e.g. Mandarin, Urdu or Polish and another for children who have English as a first language and are learning an additional language (Other Tongue) e.g. Spanish, Italian or Arabic. There is also a special prize for Spanish entries being presented by the Instituto Cervantes!

Entries can be written or spoken and should be submitted by Friday 1 December to Mother Tongue Other Tongue. For more information, you can visit the website https://scilt.org.uk/MTOT/tabid/5841/Default.aspx or contact Mrs. Linn at school mail SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Winners will be announced on Wednesday 21 February 2024 (International Mother Language Day). Good luck!

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Coming Together For Our School and Nursery
Pumpkin Trail Roundup (Autumn Event)
Thank you to everyone who came along to support the school at our autumn event on Friday, 27 October. What a wonderful turn out and the sense of community was heart-warming. We did learn that at our next event we will have more drinks and food! Do come again! With your generous support, including the Localgiving donations, a total of £900 was raised. Thank you very much! On that basis there are now funds available for the immediate expenses we need:

  • £500 for the shed. We hope to supplement this amount with monies raised through the uniform sales.
  • £210 to book a silent disco for the house awards, and
  • £300 for a curriculum based trip to the Science Centre.

To everyone that took part in the pumpkin trail, we were spectacularly spooked by all the amazing creations. A loud three cheers to the indispensable volunteers who have made things happen: our P6 and P7 volunteers who stepped in and helped us on our merchandise stand and a special thanks to our team of judges who helped with organising our pumpkins and our team who helped with tidying up; Mrs Donaldson, Mrs Edgar, Mrs Andrew, Mrs Linn, Miss Centola, Miss Qasim, Miss Maclean and Mrs Ford who helped at the bar, witches hat, face paints and pumpkins; Mr Martinez and the cleaning staff for their support; Andy and Mick Jaffrey for running front of house at the food stand; Linda and Collette McLean for being there from the beginning to the end; Iain MacDonald, Mick Jaffrey, Julie Bell for keeping us hydrated in a suitably spectacular fashion; Danny McKay for looking after the doughnut gam; Marie Macintyre for keeping us right at the witches hats and Dave McCulloch for negotiating our soccer skills; Jo Atkinson for once again making sure there was a fun craft table and to Paul for bringing order to the messy tombola pumpkins.

Winter Fayre
Save the date! The Winter Fayre is taking place on Thursday, 7 December 2023. (See the attached leaflet.) The choir will start the festivities at 6:20pm, and will lead us through the door when it opens at 6:30pm. The tombola collection and “dress as you like” is due on Friday, 1 December. More details to follow. If you are able to help on 1 December with the collection and the sorting of the tombola, and / or you are able to assist at the Winter Fayre, then please email netherleepta@gmail.com.

Uniform sales:
You should have received your September / October orders that were distributed in school, last week. Again, thank you for your support. “Many hands  make light work” very much applies to the packing of these uniforms.

  • Thank you to Suman, Gaby and Fiona who very kindly helped us to sort and pack the orders.
  • To Alyson and her team in the office, who delivered the parcels to the classes, thank you.

Our next sale is scheduled to start on Friday, 12 January 2024.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X) for more updates.

Primary 7 Remembrance Assembly
We refer to last week’s bundle where the incorrect date was detailed.  We would like to invite you along to our short (approx. 30minutes) Remembrance Assembly on Friday the 10th of November to pay respect to the Armed Forces through art, poetry and music. If you are able to join us, doors will open at 9:15am for a 9:30am start. If you are able to join us, we look forward to welcoming you to Netherlee then.

Bikeabiltity – We Need Your Help

At Netherlee we deliver cycling proficiency, Bikeability, training to all of our pupils, normally during P6, as part of the PE curriculum. To do this we require between 3 & 4 adults per class and over the years we have been very fortunate to have had a group of parents that were able to give up some time and come along and help. Unfortunately, most of these families have now moved on from Netherlee and their children are at high school. We are planning to deliver Bikeability for P6 in Term 4, April/May, however, if we do not manage to get more adults to come and help this may not prove possible.  If you would be able to spare some time in April and May to help deliver Bikeability please get in touch. As well as coming to the school to deliver Bikeability in April and May, you would need to attend two training days on Thursday 1st February and Friday 2nd February 9am-12.30pm at Carolside Primary School. If you think that you would be able to help, or would like more information, please get in touch via Email- thank you.

A leaflet can be found here with more information.

Netherlee Newsletter 27.10.23

Hello everyone

We want to say a huge congratulations to two of our Netherlee staff team, who are graduating from the University of Strathclyde next week. Well done to Miss Dorran for earning her BA in Childhood Practice and Mr Strang-Roy for achieving his Master’s in Education. Your dedication and hard work has certainly paid off- we are very proud of you both!

Volunteers – We Need You
We are always looking for new ways to involve our parents, carers and families in our school and nursery events. To support us with gathering a list of regular volunteers we would like to share this new volunteers Microsoft Form with you. Some of our regular opportunities involve local walks, serving teas and coffees, parental speakers to visit classes, helping to keep our outdoor spaces and gardens tidy and helping in our new school library. If you would be happy to volunteer at one of our upcoming or regular events then please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you. There will always be a member of staff present with you and the children. There will also be QR codes located at the school office and near to our school gates where you can access the form too. Alternatively, our volunteers form can be found on our school and nursery website. Thank you so much for your continued support. We really appreciate it! Continue reading

NNC Newsletter 27.10.2023

Hello everyone,

We want to say a huge congratulations to two of our Netherlee staff team, who are graduating from the University of Strathclyde next week. Well done to Miss Dorran for earning her BA in Childhood Practice and Mr Strang-Roy for achieving his Master’s in Education. Your dedication and hard work has certainly paid off- we are very proud of you both!

Parent Meetings
We look forward to discussing your children’s progress at our parents and carers appointments next week. If you still require an appointment, please speak to a member of staff at pick up or drop off or call the school office.

Volunteers – We Need You
We are always looking for new ways to involve our parents, carers and families in our school and nursery events. To support us with gathering a list of regular volunteers we would like to share this new volunteers Microsoft Form with you. Some of our regular opportunities involve local walks, serving teas and coffees, parental speakers to visit classes, helping to keep our outdoor spaces and gardens tidy and helping in our new school library. If you would be happy to volunteer at one of our upcoming or regular events then please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you. There will always be a member of staff present with you and the children. There will also be QR codes located at the school office and near to our school gates where you can access the form too. Alternatively, our volunteers form can be found on our school and nursery website. Thank you so much for your continued support. We really appreciate it!

Pre-school Vision Screening
The orthopists (NHS) will be visiting the nursery to conduct vision screening on this year’s pre-school children on Tuesday 14th November. This will take place in the Saplings building. For those who are absent or do not normally attend nursery on a Tuesday, information with regards to catch up clinics will be sent directly to you from the NHS Screening Department.

Book Bug
Sharing stories, rhymes and songs from an early age helps to promote early language and Literacy skills which allows children to achieve their full potential in later life. Bookbug encourages parents and carers to share books with their children inspires a love of reading in young children.

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting Bookbug sessions again at Netherlee Nursery. Each session will take place over two dates (please see below) and we would love you to join us if you are free.  The sessions last approximately thirty minutes.

Tuesday 14th November
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable for you, please don’t worry as we will run more sessions later in the year. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times of the ERC sessions.

Book Week Scotland
Please find an information letter attached about Book Week Scotland.
Book Sale Letter

Remembrance Day
From 30th October until 10th November, during Remembrance month, poppies will be available in school throughout the normal tuck time to allow any children who would like to make a donation for a poppy to do so at this time.

For our nursery children, poppy’s will be available at each nursery building door and parents can again make a donation at drop off or pick up times. All money raised will go to Poppy Scotland and is very much appreciated.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Coming Together for Our School
Autumn Event – Pumpkin Trail

We hope to see many of you at our Autumn Fundraising Event tonight, between 6pm – 8pm!

You can come to just admire our creations, but it would be wonderful if you bring your carved pumpkin 🎃 and enter it for free into the trail and receive a free LED candle to light up your creation! The P7’s will be selecting their favourites for various categories across the year groups, with some small prizes for our ‘P7 picks’. All our pumpkin creations will feature on our social media pages.

You can take your pumpkin home after the event along with the candle!

All our events are free and there are lots of free activities for the children – young and old.

  • We look forward to welcoming our Animal Man’s Creepy Corner with creatures to see and touch!
  • Some beef and vegan sausages will be on sale as will soft drinks, beer and wine
  • There will be LED items on sale to light up these dark nights along with a pumpkin 🎃 trick or treat style tombola. (All paid activities and refreshments will cost between 50p to a maximum of £3). As always there will be free tea, coffee and biscuits
  • Colour in your world with our wonderfully talented face painters. You may know some of them.

We could only take cash at the last few events but we now have our card reader working for you to buy tokens to use in the evening.

We do hope you can join the fun!

Our fundraising target for this event is to raise £1,000. This will help fill our brand new shed in the P6/7 playground. Please read our attached leaflet for more information and if you want to support this event, please click on the link: https://localgiving.org/charity/netherlee-primary-pta/. No matter how big or small, every penny is appreciated and all money raised will go towards our school.

Last year we used funds to get new playground markings, (which you can view whilst visiting the pumpkin trail in the main playground), support end of year events along with covering subscription fees for items like Lingascope and SumDog.

This year we aim to support similar funding needs and your support helps us deliver these for our children, and by doing so maybe just adds a little fun! Thanks for your support and hope you can come along and enjoy the event!

GHA Rugby Club fireworks display
The Council has confirmed that after discussions with a number of partners, including Police Scotland, over public safety, there will be no access to Muirend pavilion playing fields during GHA Rugby Club’s fireworks display on November 5. Temporary fencing will be put up at the pavilion car park, which will be closed, and at the pedestrian access at Whitton Drive. Full information about this can be found on the Council’s website.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery

Netherlee Newsletter 13.10.2023

Hello everyone

Book Fair
Please see the attached letter regarding our upcoming book fair, and a poster too.
Book Sale Letter

Water bottles
Please could we remind all parents and carers that children should be bringing a clear, named water bottle to school every day. We have noticed recently that many children are bringing juice into school in their water bottles. Please could we ask that water bottles are filled with water only and a reminder that these can be refilled at any of our water stations throughout the school day. Thank you for your support with this.

Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland 1st – 7th November
The week beginning 30th October we will be celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland at Netherlee. Our main aim of the week is to raise awareness of dyslexia within our school and nursery community. Our Primary 7 Diversity Councillors will be speaking to each class about what dyslexia is and some learning strategies which can support people who have a dyslexic profile. Across the week, the children will be taking part in some activities around what makes them unique and discussing their strengths and differences. At both of our Parents Evenings we will have a Dyslexia Awareness table situated in the Atrium for families to pop by to look at some of our dyslexia resources or just to have a conversation with Mrs Ford, our Dyslexia Advisor. We will also have ‘Ellie’s Blue Dyslexia Ribbons’ available across this week for children and staff to wear if they wish. More information about the Ellie’s Blue Ribbons campaign and how to support people with dyslexia can be found here on the Dyslexia Scotland website. https://dyslexiascotland.org.uk/dyslexia-awareness-week/

P6 Art Club
An after school P6 Art Club will be starting on a Monday 13/11 from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for 4 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P6 Art Club
Day and Time: Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm
Dates:  13/11, 20/11, 27/11, 04/12
Venue: Netherlee Primary
Delivered by:  S MacLean & Marion Gardyne  (Grandparent)
No. of pupils: 12
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: https://forms.office.com/e/AEVEDNvG3j  no later than Thursday 26th October. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Primary 7: Change to PE Days
Please note that when we return from the October holiday there will be some changes to the PE days for P7 classes. The new days are detailed below.
P7a – Monday & Friday
P7b – Tuesday & Wednesday
P7c – Tuesday & Wednesday
P7d – Monday & Friday

October Break
The school and nursery will close this Friday for the October holiday and Monday 23rd October is an In-service/ Training Day for staff only. We look forward to welcoming all of our Netherlee children back again on Tuesday 24th October.

Have a lovely week.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Newsletter 13.10.2023

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic week your little ones have had at Netherlee Nursery! Our young explorers have been learning many new skills, from building incredible structures in the block play area to whipping up their own playdough recipes!

It’s been a week of imagination and creativity and we cannot be more proud of their achievements. Here’s to many more weeks of fun and learning ahead.

Nursery Parent and Carer Appointments
Our nursery parent and carer appointments will take place on the week beginning 30th October and 6th November. Sign-up sheets will be made available again on the week beginning Tuesday 24th October at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date and time.  We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Fair
Please see the attached letter regarding our upcoming book fair, and a poster too.
Book Sale Letter

Book Bug
Sharing stories, rhymes and songs from an early age helps to promote early language and Literacy skills which allows children to achieve their full potential in later life. Bookbug encourages parents and carers to share books with their children inspires a love of reading in young children. We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting Bookbug sessions at Netherlee Nursery. Each session will take place over two dates, with one morning and one afternoon session.

Tuesday 14th November:
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November:
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable, please be assured that alternative days and times will be provided for the sessions to follow. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times.

October Break
The school and nursery will close this Friday for the October holiday and Monday 23rd October is an In-service/ Training Day for staff only. We look forward to welcoming all of our Netherlee children back again on Tuesday 24th October.

Have a lovely week.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Netherlee Newsletter 06.10.2023

Hello everyone

Parent/Teacher Meeting Appointments
As detailed in our Calendar of Events, our upcoming Parent/Teacher Meetings will be held on Wednesday 1st November and Thursday 2nd November.

The first named contact on our system will receive a separate email from us at 4pm, advising how to book an appointment. If you have any enquiries about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office staff who will be happy to help.

Return of school reading books – we need your help please!
Every year we replenish and update some of our school reading scheme books and novels. To help us to keep track of our resources, we would really appreciate it if you can have a quick look at home to see if you have any books from the following school reading schemes which haven’t been returned to school: Oxford Reading Tree, Tree Tops, Big Cats, Rapid Readers and novels. All texts should have a Netherlee Primary School stamp on the inside cover. Please place these in our ‘Recycled Donations’ box at the main school entrance or place them in your child’s bag next week. We really appreciate your help!

Feedback Friday
Just a reminder that on Friday, it is Feedback Friday. Can all home learning jotters/project work be brought into school with your child- thank you.

Recycled Uniform Rails
Just a wee reminder that our recycled uniform rails are available each Friday, between 8.50am – 9am (P1-3 smaller items) and 3pm – 3.10pm (P4-P7 middle and larger sizes) at the Clarkston Road School Gate.  These items are free of charge so please do pop along and make use of this facility.  We have got a good number of our burgundy badged waterproof outdoor jackets available just now so, with the change in weather, please do pop by and help yourself.  Also remember that we are happy to look out items for you if you can’t make it along on a Friday, just email in to school using the usual link SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk, letting us know the item and size and we will have a look for you.

Uniform Items – Pop on a Name Please
Many of the uniform items found in lost property do not have children’s names on them which makes it really difficult to return them to their rightful owners. Please could we ask that all uniform items are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class so we can reunite any lost items with the correct child…thank you.

PTA “Coming Together for our School and Nursery” – Reminders
Cauliflower Cards: The forms for Cauliflower Cards orders are due to be returned on Thursday, 12 October. We look forward to seeing your children’s masterpieces

Pumpkin Festival: Start planning your pumpkin entries for display at our Pumpkin Festival on Friday, 27 October between 6pm and 8pm. Bring the whole family, and your neighbours.

Uniforms: Our uniform orders have been placed with our suppliers. Thank you for your support. We hope to deliver your orders before or the latest the week after the school holidays.  Our next sale will start on Friday, 12 January 2024.

If you want to chip in and help, please email netherleepta@gmail.com Thank you to everyone who has already done so. You will find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Give us a follow and stay up to date with all we are doing. Thank you!

Community Events/Information Please See Various Below:

Culture & Leisure
East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure have a wide range of activities on offer for children. Please see the attached leaflet with more information.

Community Events – Pro Judo
Pro Judo are delighted to host a free block of extra-curricular activity for the Williamwood Cluster primary schools. The sessions will held at Parklands Country Club, home of Pro Judo, led by the club’s coaches. The club will run on a Monday on the following dates: 30/10; 6/11; 13/11; 20/11.
5:45pm – 6:30pm (4yrs – 7yrs)
6:30pm – 7:15pm (8yrs – 12yrs)

You can sign-up using the following links by selecting book trial option and select the 30th October start date.
Under 8’s – 5:45pm – 6:30pm – https://projudo.classforkids.io/info/1121
Over 8’s – 6:30pm – 7:15pm – https://projudo.classforkids.io/info/1148

East Renfrewshire Equalities Forum
: Outside the Box is working with people and organisations in East Renfrewshire to create a community-led Equalities Forum. Please see the attached poster, this is a great opportunity for parents/carers to have a voice in wider Equality issues in East Renfrewshire Council.
Equalities Forum

Let’s Talk About Campaign: Please see the leaflets regarding the support that we have available to help with mortgages, debt and energy bills.

National Sleep Helpline: Please see information regarding a wonderful free resource that can help parents and children to learn more about their sleep and develop better bedtime routines. Sleep is essential to brain function, by helping children to sleep better, we can help them to succeed in school.
Sleep Helpline

Childcare NC Opportunity from West of Scotland: Please see the information regarding a National Certificate in childcare that takes place during school hours – 2 days in a placement and 2 days at college – 1 day online. More information can be found here: https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/courses/childcare/nc-childhood-practice-school-hours-november-start

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Newsletter 06.10.2023

Hello everyone,

Your little ones have had a fantastic week at nursery! They have been engaging in the world around them, noticing the seasonal changes. It has been lovely to see their wonder, curiosity and appreciation for nature!

Nursery Parent and Carer Appointments
Our nursery parent and carer appointments will take place during week beginning 30th October and 6th November. Sign-up sheets will be made available from next week at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date and time.  We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery to discuss your child’s progress at nursery.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

We look forward to hearing about you and your child’s achievements and celebrating them at Netherlee.

Home Learning and Google Classroom
Learning at home for nursery aged children should take place through everyday activities including play and general family life, such as food preparation, gardening, setting the table, sorting washing and cooking. It can also happen through curriculum related activities, home learning, reading and sharing books. Activities at home can be specifically designed to help you engage in your child’s learning and build upon playful learning experiences from nursery.

Each month, we will post a home learning experiences grid (previously known as ‘learning links’) on Google Classroom. This will feature some suggestions of fun, play based learning experiences that you may wish to complete with your child at home. These experiences will also give an insight into the children’s interests, learning focus and/or seasonal or cultural festivals.  The home learning experiences grid for October has now been posted to your child’s google classroom, which can be accessed via this link: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

PTA “Coming Together for our School and Nursery” – Reminder
Pumpkin Festival: Start planning your pumpkin entries for display at our Pumpkin Festival on Friday, 27 October between 6pm and 8pm. Bring the whole family, and your neighbours.

If you want to chip in and help, please email netherleepta@gmail.com Thank you to everyone who has already done so. You will find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Give us a follow and stay up to date with all we are doing. Thank you!

Community Events/Information Please See Various Below:

Culture & Leisure
East Renfrewshire Culture & Leisure have a wide range of activities on offer for children. Please see the attached leaflet with more information.

Community Events – Pro Judo
Pro Judo are delighted to host a free block of extra-curricular activity for the Williamwood Cluster primary schools. The sessions will held at Parklands Country Club, home of Pro Judo, led by the club’s coaches. The club will run on a Monday on the following dates: 30/10; 6/11; 13/11; 20/11.
5:45pm – 6:30pm (4yrs – 7yrs)
6:30pm – 7:15pm (8yrs – 12yrs)

You can sign-up using the following links by selecting book trial option and select the 30th October start date.
Under 8’s – 5:45pm – 6:30pm – https://projudo.classforkids.io/info/1121
Over 8’s – 6:30pm – 7:15pm – https://projudo.classforkids.io/info/1148

East Renfrewshire Equalities Forum: Outside the Box is working with people and organisations in East Renfrewshire to create a community-led Equalities Forum. Please see the attached poster, this is a great opportunity for parents/carers to have a voice in wider Equality issues in East Renfrewshire Council.
Equalities Forum

Let’s Talk About Campaign: Please see the leaflets regarding the support that we have available to help with mortgages, debt and energy bills.

National Sleep Helpline: Please see information regarding a wonderful free resource that can help parents and children to learn more about their sleep and develop better bedtime routines. Sleep is essential to brain function, by helping children to sleep better, we can help them to succeed in school.
Sleep Helpline

Childcare NC Opportunity from West of Scotland: Please see the information regarding a National Certificate in childcare that takes place during school hours – 2 days in a placement and 2 days at college – 1 day online. More information can be found here: https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/courses/childcare/nc-childhood-practice-school-hours-november-start

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Netherlee Newsletter 29.09.2023

Hello everyone

Although it may seem a distant memory now, we hope you had a lovely September holiday weekend.

We want to thank you, most sincerely, for your support during the recent industrial action. We understand the challenges this situation may have presented for your family and your partnership and support has been invaluable – thank you.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
We would like to continue to invite you to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done by completing the Wider Achievements form below. We are always looking for ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during stage assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill. We will check this form regularly so that we can celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible.
Wider Achievement Form

Gaelic Medium Education Information Event
Please see attached information about an upcoming Gaelic Medium Education information event. Gaelic Medium Education is now open to all children entering P1 in East Renfrewshire and no prior knowledge of Gaelic is required.

P1 Meet the Teacher and Information Session for Parents
We look forward to welcoming our Primary One parents and carers at our Primary 1 Information and Meet the Teacher (click link to find out more) evening on Monday 9th October 6.30-7.30pm.

Our wonderful PTA will be available from 6pm offering refreshments in our school Atrium. This will be a great way to find out more about PTA events and have a chat with other Primary 1 parents.  We will also have a slideshow playing at this time which has lots of lovely photographs of our P1 children enjoying life in P1 so far!

There will also be an opportunity to place badged uniform orders with our PTA at this time too. Rails with sample sizes will be made available.  Our pre-loved uniform rails will also be there for you to browse and help yourself to as well. We look forward to seeing you then.

Primary 5 Cooking at Netherlee Primary
On Tuesday 3rd October all of Primary 5 will be tasting a slice of apple dipped in honey with a piece of bread in class. This activity links to the children’s learning about Judaism and in particular, Rosh Hashanah.

The ingredients are as follows
brown bread

Please advise us, before Tuesday morning, if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try the food.

Primary 6 and 7 STEAM Event
Please see attached letter regarding an invitation to a STEAM showcase event on 5th October at Williamwood High School.

Primary 7 Residential
Please find attached a letter regarding the residential with payment information and kit list.
Lochgoilhead Information letter September 2023

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Newsletter 29.09.2023

Hello everyone,

Although it may seem a distant memory now, we hope you had a lovely September holiday weekend.

We want to thank you, most sincerely, for your support during the recent industrial action. We understand the challenges this situation may have presented for your family and your partnership and support has been invaluable – thank you.

Parent and Carer Volunteers
Do you have a particular skill or interest? The children and staff would really love to learn from you!

We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the nursery to carry out an activity with our children based on particular skills or interests you might have, such as sewing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening or woodwork.

Also, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions such as any emergency or health care services so if you have a profession you think you could share with the children please do let us know. For example, this may include a visit from a dentist to talk to children about looking after their teeth.

It would be lovely to hear from parents and carers who would be willing to come in and share cultural or religious festivals or experiences with us too – for example, showing photos of celebrating the Hindu festival of Holi, teaching children how to use chopsticks or write numbers in Chinese, sharing stories in different languages or helping to teach the children Irish dancing. If you are interested, please get in contact with Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) via email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or by telephone 0141 570 7260.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to Curriculum for Excellence and what we do in Netherlee. We currently share and celebrate our children’s achievements through our Nursery WOW Wall. For example, this may include winning a medal, taking part in a competition or simply have learnt a new life skill.

We also understand that recognising the achievements of the special adults in our children’s lives help to inspire our children to reach their goals and model the importance of resilience. We would also love to display the achievements of parents and carers with our children’s achievements on our WOW Wall for all to see! If you or your child has an achievement they would like to showcase, please send a picture of this with a small description to our email nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Gaelic Medium Education Information Event
Please see attached information about an upcoming Gaelic Medium Education information event. Gaelic Medium Education is now open to all children entering P1 in East Renfrewshire and no prior knowledge of Gaelic is required.
Gaelic Medium Education Information Event

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class