School Newsletter 30.08.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Water bottles
Please could we remind all parents and carers that children should bring a clear, named water bottle to school every day. We have noticed recently that many children are bringing juice into school in their water bottles. Please could we ask that water bottles are filled with water only and a reminder that these can be refilled at any of our water stations throughout the school day. Thank you. Continue reading

Nursery Newsletter 23.08.24

Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2024/25 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be added to the website calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Annual Data Check
Our annual data checks have been sent home with your child today, we would be grateful if you could please have a look over this and update (if required).  Please return all data checks to nursery staff or the school office by Friday 6th September. Continue reading

School Newsletter 23.08.24

Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2024/25 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be added to the website calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Pupil/ Building Safety
Unless your child is in Primary 1, please drop all children at the various gates at drop off or collection.  Parents/ carers are not permitted within the playgrounds and this includes avoiding using the playground as a walkthrough in order to get to a different gate.  This is to ensure the safety of all children and also maintain the security of the building at all times.  Members of the Leadership Team are on all gates from 8.50am and again at the end of the day. At collection time only, at 3.15pm, parents and carers of P2 and P3 children may come to the Clarkston Road door to collect your child/ren and also any siblings from the Smiley Face. The gate to access the Smiley Face will be unlocked at this time. Thank you very much for your cooperation with this important safety point.  Continue reading

School Newsletter 16.08.24

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic first week back as staff and children reconnect with each other and re-establish trusting, warm relationships together.  It has been wonderful to see all the smiling, happy faces coming into school and nursery each morning. The staff team are taking the time to get to know your child, learn about their likes and dislikes and help settle them into life at Netherlee.

Continue reading

Nursery Newsletter 16.08.24

Hello everyone

We have had a fantastic first week back as staff and children reconnect with each other and re-establish trusting, warm relationships together.  It has been wonderful to see all the smiling, happy faces coming into school and nursery each morning. The staff team are taking the time to get to know your child, learn about their likes and dislikes and help settle them into life at Netherlee.

Continue reading

Nursery Newsletter 03.05.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

In-Service Day
We’re looking forward to a really busy in-service day on Tuesday 7th May. We’ll be joining in with a whole school and nursery outdoor learning session and reviewing our progress towards priorities in our School and Nursery Improvement Plan (link to parent friendly version of the SNIP on the website). Then in the afternoon, our school and nursery staff will be attending workshops to enhance our knowledge and understanding of supporting children. We will be joining staff from Busby, Carolside, Overlee FC, Cart Mill FC and Williamwood HS.

We all had a fantastic time last Thursday and Friday with our “fun”draising.  Thanks to the hard work of the House Captains and your amazing generosity we raised £2,318.69 for our school and nursery funds

Can you Please Help?
We’re looking for newspapers and magazines for children to use during their art work. If you have any we could use, please just hand them in at drop off or pick up. Thanks so much for this.

Parent Meetings
Thanks to everyone who has signed up for a Parent Meeting during this week. We have appointment sheets available in both buildings for you to sign up for a Parent Meeting with your child’s key worker. Should you prefer a meeting with Mr Strang Roy, our nursery teacher he will be available from 4pm-6.30pm on Tuesday 21st May and 4pm-6.30pm on Wednesday 22nd May.

Stay and Play
Sign in sheets will be available from Wednesday 8th May for our last ‘Stay and Play’ sessions of 23/24. Our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions will be during week beginning 13th May 2023. ‘Stay and Play’ can be a really special time where the focus is on your nursery child and their experience and relationships. Due to the popularity of these sessions we ask that one adult attends as children can be overwhelmed by too many adults in the building. We look forward to seeing you.

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here: Meeting Highlights

Menu Change – Friday 10th May
Please find our planned menu change for next Friday, 10th May. The allergy information is include. If you have completed a lifestyle meal request form a suitable alternative will be provided. However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact your catering team via the school office.

We wish you a very happy, long holiday weekend. We look forward to hearing all of our children’s news when they return from Wednesday of next week

School Newsletter 28.03.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Photograph Orders
The order forms for the photographs will be sent home with your child on Monday 15th April. If your child is not in school or nursery on Monday 15th, we will send their order form home as soon as they are back in.  All the details for ordering any photographs are included in the pack. Please note that the deadline for all orders to be received back into school and nursery is Friday 26th April. Thank you.

ASN Support Group
Good afternoon. Our names are Mrs McLeod and Mrs Watson and we are parents at Netherlee Primary. We would like to invite parents and carers to join us for a parent led ASN group. Initially we would like to support families with children who have, or may be on an Autism or ADHD journey. It doesn’t matter where you are on this wellbeing journey, we would love to welcome you to an initial meeting at Netherlee Primary on Wednesday 17th April at 9:15am in the Hub.

This would hopefully be the first of many opportunities to meet and chat and to be able to ask any burning questions! If you would like to join us please add your name to the Google form link below (just for numbers) or please feel free just to drop in on the morning.

ASN Support Group FormThank you for your interest and we hope to see lots of you on Wednesday morning. Kind regards  Lorna and Katherine (parents)

Community Events – ERC Library Activities
Please visit the website for a list of activities in your Community Library this Spring –

Primary 4 – Instrumental Music Service
If your P4 child would like to express an interest in tuition on either: Accordion, Clarsach (small Scottish Harp), Chanter, Pipe Band drumming, Cello, Violin, Viola or Double Bass, please complete and return the recruitment e-form using the link below, as soon as possible and no later than 15 April : note– A variety of other instruments will be available in later years, either at primary school or our Saturday Music Centre, for pupils who are not already in receipt of instrumental lessons through the music service.

Primary 5 – Instrumental Music Service
If your child is not currently receiving instrumental tuition through the Instrumental Music Service, either in school or the Saturday Music Centre, and would like to be considered for instrumental tuition, from the selection of instruments available in their school at this time, I would be grateful if you could complete the form via this link – Please note completed forms should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 14 April 2024. Please note– A variety of other instruments will be available in later years, either at primary school or our Saturday Music Centre, for pupils who are not already in receipt of instrumental lessons through the music service

Primary 7 – Show Costumes
As you will be aware, Netherlee Primary School’s production of High School Musical Jr. is fast approaching and as such, we would like to ask for your help to ensure that our budding actors, singers and dancers look their best on the night! We have been very busy sourcing and buying the more detailed parts of the costumes but would love if you could help with some of the more basics items if at all possible please.

Costume List

Black long sleeve t-shirt, white short sleeve T shirt, black trousers or leggings.
Optional Jazz shoes or gym shoes

Skater dudes/dudettes:
Baggy trousers or shorts (not joggers), trainers.
Optional cap/bucket hat and/or anything else to fit the character.

Black long-sleeved top, black trousers

Mean girls/boys:
White t-shirt, bright coloured bottoms (no joggers or large logos), shoes.
Optional accessories to fit character (sparkly).

Wildcat fans:
Trousers, shorts or skirt (red, white or black), trainers.

Black top and trousers (not joggers), black shoes.

White tube socks, white trainers

Black long sleeve top, black full length leggings, black ankle socks
Optional Jazz type shoes, shimmer dance tights.

Light and Sound/Set Design:
All Black Clothing

We would like your child, if possible, to bring these items into school by no later than Friday 19th April to give us plenty of time to check their full costume. As there are many children involved wearing similar items, we ask that all clothes, shoes and other costume parts be brought into school in a plastic bag labelled with your child’s name. We appreciate your help with this as it makes the organisation of the costumes as simple as possible.

Please do not worry at all if you are unable to source any of the above items as we will of course ensure that all children have what they need.  Please contact the P7 teachers via school mail if you have any questions. All items handed in will be returned after the final show.

Thank you very much for your assistance in helping to make our P7 show a success.

Primary 7 Teachers.

Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school and nursery after the holiday fortnight on 15th April.


Nursery Newsletter 28.03.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Photograph Orders
The order forms for the photographs will be sent home with your child on Monday 15th April. If your child is not in school or nursery on Monday 15th, we will send their order form home as soon as they are back in.  All the details for ordering any photographs are included in the pack. Please note that the deadline for all orders to be received back into school and nursery is Friday 26th April. Thank you.

Community Events – ERC Library Activities
Please visit the website for a list of activities in your Community Library this Spring –

Have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school and nursery after the Spring Break on 15th April.

Nursery Newsletter 22.03.24

Hi everyone,

What a lovely surprise we had today when the Easter Bunny took time from his/her busy schedule to appear in both nursery gardens.

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Nursery Bookbug Week
We are really looking forward to Mrs Greig and Mrs Morton hosting Bookbug sessions for nursery children, their special adults and younger siblings. We’ll have a spring in our step as we join in some fun action songs and read books with a Spring/Easter theme.

We invite you to come along on the following days:
Tuesday 26th March at 9.15 – Purple and Orange Group in Acorn Building
Tuesday 26th March at 2.15 – White Red and Pink Group in Sapling Building
Thursday 28th March at 9.15 – Yellow and Green Group in Sapling Building

Please don’t worry if you or your child’s special adults can’t attend, no child will miss out and they’ll have the opportunity to join in with our wonderful staff.

Last Day of Term
Please remember Nursery is normal hours on Thursday (8am-6pm) when school closes at 2.30pm. We look forward to welcoming everyone back after the Spring Break on 15th April 2024.

Personal Care Plans
Our Personal Care Plans allow families to share information to help identify next steps to support children’s learning, care and wellbeing. If you have your child’s Personal Care Plan at home we ask that you hand it in once completed. We really appreciate you taking the time to do this.

Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP)
The following PoPP Sway shares information on the availability of PoPP groups within East Renfrewshire during 2024. These groups are for any parents/carers who have children 2-12 years and are interesting in extending their knowledge of how to manage behaviour.

Community Events: ERC Culture & Leisure
East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure’s new term of sports classes for children start this week. With over 100 classes per week, including; Badminton, Basketball, Football, Mini Kickers, Netball & Athletics – all led by their expert coaching teams. This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to a brand-new sport. You can search and book classes here:

Have a lovely weekend with your family.

School Newsletter 22.03.24

Hello everyone

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Early Finish – Thursday 28th March
School will close slightly earlier than usual on this day. P1 and P2 will finish at 2.25pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm. We look forward to welcoming everyone back after the Spring Break on 15th April.

Early Collection from School/ Change to Pick-up Arrangements
We understand that on rare occasions home arrangements for the end of the day, leaving school, may need to change.  For example, a child may be walking home instead of being collected.  Whenever possible, we would appreciate it if these types of emails could be sent in by 12.30pm as teachers pick up any emails sent to them at the start of lunchtime- thanks so much for your help with this.  Of course we also understand that last minute changes also happen sometimes.

Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP)
The following PoPP Sway shares information on the availability of PoPP groups within East Renfrewshire during 2024. These groups are for any parents/carers who have children 2-12 years and are interesting in extending their knowledge of how to manage behaviour.

Community Events: ERC Culture & Leisure
East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure’s new term of sports classes for children start this week. With over 100 classes per week, including; Badminton, Basketball, Football, Mini Kickers, Netball & Athletics – all led by their expert coaching teams. This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to a brand-new sport. You can search and book classes here:

Primary 3b: Class Treat
Primary 3b have worked very hard to earn their 100 points and have chosen to have a pyjama party to celebrate on Thursday 28th March. In the afternoon, your child is welcome to change into pyjamas to watch a film in class. They are also welcome to bring a small teddy too. Please note your child should not wear their pyjamas to school.

Primary 4b: Football Cards

Many of the children in P4b have been bringing in football cards from home and trading them in the class and the playground. Unfortunately, this has led to a number of upsets and disagreements amongst some of the pupils, which has resulted in teaching time being disrupted so that these arguments can be resolved. We would really appreciate your support and would ask that the children do not bring football cards into school for the time being. This should minimise any fall out as a result of bringing these cards into school and should also have a positive impact on the amount of teaching time taken to resolve any issues. We will continue to speak to the class and look at this again in a few weeks’ time to see if cards can be brought back into school. Thank you, as always, for your continued support. Many thanks.

Primary 5c: Treat
As a treat for filling our class Gem Jar, P5C have chosen to have a go at making slime (contains: PVA glue, contact lens solution, colouring and glitter, bicarbonate of soda). If possible, please send a small container next week with your child if you would be happy for them to take some home. Thank you.

P6 Bikeability
Your child will shortly be participating in cycling training, Bikeability, in school. Please see the attached letter and bike check information in your email for more details. Please complete the Bikeability Consent Form so that your child is able to participate. Please note, we have some bikes in school that children can use if they do not have their own bike, however, we would require you to provide a cycle helmet.

Have a wonderful weekend.