NNC Friday Newsletter 26.01.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Thank-you to all parents and carers who joined us for the stay and play sessions in the nursery this week. We hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the daily life of Netherlee Nursery!

Participatory Budgeting
Thank-you to all staff, pupils and parents/carers that voted this week our Participatory Budgeting local community project. The Young Leaders of Learning are delighted to announce that the most favourite suggestion and therefore the winning vote for the allocated budget of £1000 (£500 for school and £500 for nursery) is to be spent on equipment/resources to develop some areas within our existing grounds/ playgrounds to enhance learning outdoors. Thank you for your involvement –  Jen McCann. Continue reading

NPS Friday Newsletter 26.01.24

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Chatter Café
At our next Netherlee Chatter Café on Wednesday 31st January our Leadership Team and some of our Literacy Champions will be there to provide any further support and advice with reading at home and internet safety workshops. Please come along if you are interested, we would love to see you then. Continue reading

NPS Friday Newsletter 19.01.24

Hello everyone,

Participatory Budgeting
We are excited to share that Netherlee Primary School and Nursery have been given £1000 for a local community project. We would like parents to get involved in helping us decide what to spend our money on. If you would like to get involved in supporting decisions on how the funds will be used or if you have any suggestions, please contact the school on schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk by Monday 22nd January 1pm. From Tuesday 23rd, you will have the chance to cast your vote on the final ideas generated via a QR code during drop off/ collection or via a link to a Microsoft Form which will be emailed to you. Thank-you for your support. Continue reading

NNC Friday Newsletter 12.01.24

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family.  It has been a delight to welcome your little ones back, reconnect with familiar faces and form new friendships. As we begin a new year, we are excited to see your children continue to blossom and progress here at Netherlee Nursery. Here’s to another year of learning, fun and laughter!

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Diversity Month
Building on the success of last year’s Diversity events, all children in our school and nursery will be participating in Diversity Month during the month of February. We were incredibly lucky last year that lots of our parents and carers came in to share their cultural background with cooking, music, languages, dance and so much more and we would love to welcome even more of you again this year.

We have been looking at all themes of diversity during our Pupil Parliament time: race, gender, socio-economic, neuro, ethnicity and religion and wish to develop our Diversity Month even further to include more of these throughout the month.

If you feel this is something you would be able to help with, please contact Mrs Linn through school mail: SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk. You are welcome to speak to individual classes or whole stages about your experiences and/or lead active sessions, with the support of school staff and we can work around a time that suits you best. Continue reading

NPS Friday Newsletter 12.01.24

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family.  It has been a delight to welcome all the staff and children back to school. As we begin a new year, we are excited to see your children continue to be happy, settled and make good progress here at Netherlee Primary. Here’s to another year of fun and fantastic learning!

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/sandnc/calendar.

Diversity Month
Building on the success of last year’s Diversity events, all children in our school and nursery will be participating in Diversity Month during the month of February. We were incredibly lucky last year that lots of our parents and carers came in to share their cultural background with cooking, music, languages, dance and so much more and we would love to welcome even more of you again this year.

We have been looking at all themes of diversity during our Pupil Parliament time: race, gender, socio-economic, neuro, ethnicity and religion and wish to develop our Diversity Month even further to include more of these throughout the month.

If you feel this is something you would be able to help with, please contact Mrs Linn through school mail: SchoolMail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk . You are welcome to speak to individual classes or whole stages about your experiences and/or lead active sessions, with the support of school staff and we can work around a time that suits you best. Continue reading

NPS Friday Newsletter 22.12.23

Hello everyone

As we approach the end of term, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your family.  Our nursery and school will open the doors again on Monday 8th January, ready to welcome our wonderful children back. Until then, we hope you have a peaceful holiday surrounded by family and friends. We hope this special time is filled with joy, laughter and cherished moments with loved ones.

We wish our families who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas, filled with hope and happiness and a Happy New Year to all.

Halal Lunches in January
We have been made aware from our supplier, that there is a supply issue with the diced Halal chicken we purchase and that regretfully there will be no resolution until early January.  As a result the Halal Chicken Satay meal option will be unavailable to any young person that normally accesses this choice when we return after the holidays.  Pizza or Baked potato will be the two hot options available to any young person wishing a follow a Halal diet.  As soon as the diced Halal chicken supply resumes we will immediately add this back to the menu.

Have a lovely holiday.

NNC Friday Newsletter 22.12.23

Hello everyone

As we approach the end of term, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your family.  Our nursery and school will open the doors again on Monday 8th January, ready to welcome our wonderful children back. Until then, we hope you have a peaceful holiday surrounded by family and friends. We hope this special time is filled with joy, laughter and cherished moments with loved ones.

We wish our families who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas, filled with hope and happiness and a Happy New Year to all.

Halal Lunches in January
We have been made aware from our supplier, that there is a supply issue with the diced Halal chicken we purchase and that regretfully there will be no resolution until early January.  As a result the Halal Chicken Satay meal option will be unavailable to any young person that normally accesses this choice when we return after the holidays.  Pizza or Baked potato will be the two hot options available to any young person wishing a follow a Halal diet.  As soon as the diced Halal chicken supply resumes we will immediately add this back to the menu.

Have a lovely holiday.

NNC Friday Newsletter 15.12.23

Hello everyone,

Wow, what a busy and festive week it has been! We had our Celebrations this week in Nursery. It was such a joy watching the children perform for the grown-ups. Thank-you again to our wonderful staff who helped put this together, our talented Primary 7 helpers and of course the fantastic Mr Watson. Thank-you to all parents and carers who came along- we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Netherlee Nursery Staff News
Next Wednesday (20th December), we will say goodbye to the amazing Mrs Fiona Daley, who is retiring after 20 years of working at Netherlee Nursery. Thank you for all the laughs, your hard work and kindness you have shown to the children in your care. It’s now your time to relax! On behalf of everyone at Netherlee- we will miss you all very much and wish you all the very best in what’s next. Continue reading

NPS Friday Newsletter 15.12.23

Hello everyone,

Church Service
On the morning of Thursday 21st December, P4-7 will attend Netherlee Church for a Christmas Service. As space is limited within the church, unfortunately, we will only be able to accommodate two family members from the children who are reading, performing in the choir or playing their instrument. Separate information has been sent to these families already, please only attend the service if you have received confirmation that your child will be performing. The service will be recorded and a link to the recording will be emailed out as soon as possible afterwards. We hope that you are not too disappointed with these restrictions. If you would prefer your child not to attend for religious reasons, please email the school office by Monday 18th December.  For safety reasons, we cannot accommodate any further withdrawal requests on Thursday morning.

Communications Team Podcast
Episode one of our first podcast called ‘Netherlee Primary’s Podcast from the Pupils’ is available for you to listen to: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/netherlee-primary/episodes/Podcast-from-the-Pupils–Episode-1-e2c8vle. Continue reading