Category Archives: Nursery

NNC Friday Newsletter 22.12.23

Hello everyone

As we approach the end of term, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your family.  Our nursery and school will open the doors again on Monday 8th January, ready to welcome our wonderful children back. Until then, we hope you have a peaceful holiday surrounded by family and friends. We hope this special time is filled with joy, laughter and cherished moments with loved ones.

We wish our families who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas, filled with hope and happiness and a Happy New Year to all.

Halal Lunches in January
We have been made aware from our supplier, that there is a supply issue with the diced Halal chicken we purchase and that regretfully there will be no resolution until early January.  As a result the Halal Chicken Satay meal option will be unavailable to any young person that normally accesses this choice when we return after the holidays.  Pizza or Baked potato will be the two hot options available to any young person wishing a follow a Halal diet.  As soon as the diced Halal chicken supply resumes we will immediately add this back to the menu.

Have a lovely holiday.

NNC Friday Newsletter 15.12.23

Hello everyone,

Wow, what a busy and festive week it has been! We had our Celebrations this week in Nursery. It was such a joy watching the children perform for the grown-ups. Thank-you again to our wonderful staff who helped put this together, our talented Primary 7 helpers and of course the fantastic Mr Watson. Thank-you to all parents and carers who came along- we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Netherlee Nursery Staff News
Next Wednesday (20th December), we will say goodbye to the amazing Mrs Fiona Daley, who is retiring after 20 years of working at Netherlee Nursery. Thank you for all the laughs, your hard work and kindness you have shown to the children in your care. It’s now your time to relax! On behalf of everyone at Netherlee- we will miss you all very much and wish you all the very best in what’s next. Continue reading

NNC Friday Newsletter 08.12.23

Hello everyone,

The children and staff have been busy practising their festive songs with our music teacher, Mr Watson and his P7 helpers. We cannot wait to welcome you all to our performance! Ho! Ho! Ho!

We also want to say a big thank-you to parents and carers who have volunteered to read with the children. If you would also like to volunteer or would like more information, please contact Jennifer McCann on 0141 570 7260 or Thank-you.

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah to all our families celebrating over the next 8 days. We hope you have a lovely time. Continue reading

NNC Newsletter 01.12.23

Hello everyone

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

The children really enjoyed St Andrews Day celebrations. They took part in some Scottish dancing and loved listening to some Scots language in stories. Och aye the noo! Continue reading

NNC Newsletter 24.11.23

Hello everyone,

Upcoming Events
Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there

Care Home Visits
Fostering intergenerational links within our community is a key improvement priority for Netherlee this session. Visiting our local care homes create meaningful interactions between the elderly residents and our children, promoting empathy and a shared sense of community. Continue reading

NNC Friday Newsletter 17.11.23

Hello everyone,

It has been a very busy week in Netherlee!

This week, we celebrated Book Week and World Nursery Rhyme Week. Thank you so much to Mrs Greig and Mrs Morton, who led fantastic Bookbug sessions. The children (and grownups too!) just loved singing along with the actions to some much loved songs and nursery rhymes. We also had some author and writer visits too, including Mrs Cross and Mrs Strang-Roy. Thank you so much for coming to visit us! Continue reading

NNC Newsletter 10.11.23

Hello everyone,

We want to wish a Happy Diwali to those who celebrate this weekend! Also, we want to give a special thanks to our wonderful Mrs Kaur for sharing the beautiful traditions of Diwali with the children. We loved hearing about how you and your family celebrate.

Working in Partnership with Families at Netherlee
At Netherlee Nursery, we value working in partnership with our parents and carers and welcome your views. We would love to hear your feedback with regards to our transition to nursery in order to evaluate our practice. Our Settling Policy, along with others, are available to view on our nursery website. You will find some questions about this situated at our nursery doors for you to write your feedback. We would love to hear your thoughts!

Family Photographs
At Netherlee Nursery, we try hard to ensure our spaces mirror the home environment where possible. We will be continuing to add family photographs to our home and cosy corners to make these spaces even ‘cosier’. Should you wish to include a family photograph in these spaces, please send these in to

Toys from Home
We are very fortunate that our nursery has an abundance of toys and equipment for our children to enjoy playing with.  As such, we would kindly ask that no toys are brought from home to nursery unless really necessary to comfort children. Thank-you for your support.

Book Bug
Each session will take place over two dates (please see below) and we would love you to join us if you are free.  The sessions last approximately thirty minutes. Please be reminded of the dates and times below:

Tuesday 14th November
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable for you, please don’t worry as we will run more sessions later in the year. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times of the ERC sessions.

Winter Fayre Survey
The P6/7 Creative Group are hosting a stall at the Winter Fayre and would like to carry out some market research before starting to make our products. We are planning to make three items: slime, tree decorations and home baking.  We would like to find out if you would be willing to purchase these items and if so, how much you would be willing to spend on these. All responses are anonymous and we would ask that your response is posted by Friday 17th November using the link following link:  If you have any further questions, please email Mrs Linn at school mail Thank you for your time.  P6/7 Creative Group

Please also see attached flyer from the PTA regarding the upcoming Fayre [removed as event has happened]

Celebrating Diwali
We hope all our families who celebrate Diwali have a lovely time celebrating this weekend. As you know, we are always looking for our Netherlee Community to share their beliefs, traditions and expertise with our children and we are very lucky that Mrs Kaur, one of our nursery Child Development Officers, is going to speak to everyone in the school and nursery about this important religious festival. Mrs Kaur has also very kindly said she will bring in a selection of delicious treats called Gulabjaman, Jalabi and Barfi to share with the children as part of the traditions if they wish to try these in school and nursery. The ingredients of these are:

  • Semolina
  • Butter
  • Plain flour
  • Sugar syrup
  • Milk powder
  • Food colouring

We have a note of your child’s dietary requirements however, if these have changed, please email or and we can update our records. Similarly, if you would prefer your child did not try the traditional treats or if you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Linn.

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our next Parent Council Meeting which will take place on Wednesday, 22nd November at 7pm in our school Hub. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to also hear about and be involved in the life and work of our Netherlee school and nursery community. The agenda for the meeting is below:

  • Minutes of previous meeting and taking of next meeting
  • Head Teacher and Staff Team Update
  • Communication – Consultation
  • PTA update – Christmas Fayre
  • SNIP Priority – Nurture and the Lighthouse
  • Membership update
  • School Report update
  • AOB: RSHP & periods, ERC Citizen Panel, Connect update, Comms Newsletter support, parking details reminder.

We look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces along to the meeting at 7-8.30pm for a cuppa, biccy and chat!

Community Events – Pro Judo are offering a 4-week, free trial for pre-school children to take part in Judo activities. Please see the flyer attached for more information. If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Linn at [flyer removed as event has happened].

Have a wonderful weekend,

NNC Newsletter 03.11.23

Hello everyone,

We hope that children who celebrated Hallowe’en this week had a spooktacular time! It was lovely to hear about what or who they were dressing up as, the jokes they told and all the yummy sweets they ate.

It is almost time for another exciting event this weekend- Bonfire Night! For those of you planning to attend a display, we hope you have a brilliant time. Remember to wrap up, stay safe and enjoy the show!

Thank you again to our parents and carers who attended parent’s appointments this week. We look forward to welcoming those with appointments next week to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Week Scotland
Please see the information letter about Book Week Scotland. Continue reading

NNC Newsletter 27.10.2023

Hello everyone,

We want to say a huge congratulations to two of our Netherlee staff team, who are graduating from the University of Strathclyde next week. Well done to Miss Dorran for earning her BA in Childhood Practice and Mr Strang-Roy for achieving his Master’s in Education. Your dedication and hard work has certainly paid off- we are very proud of you both!

Parent Meetings
We look forward to discussing your children’s progress at our parents and carers appointments next week. If you still require an appointment, please speak to a member of staff at pick up or drop off or call the school office.

Volunteers – We Need You
We are always looking for new ways to involve our parents, carers and families in our school and nursery events. To support us with gathering a list of regular volunteers we would like to share this new volunteers Microsoft Form with you. Some of our regular opportunities involve local walks, serving teas and coffees, parental speakers to visit classes, helping to keep our outdoor spaces and gardens tidy and helping in our new school library. If you would be happy to volunteer at one of our upcoming or regular events then please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you. There will always be a member of staff present with you and the children. There will also be QR codes located at the school office and near to our school gates where you can access the form too. Alternatively, our volunteers form can be found on our school and nursery website. Thank you so much for your continued support. We really appreciate it!

Pre-school Vision Screening
The orthopists (NHS) will be visiting the nursery to conduct vision screening on this year’s pre-school children on Tuesday 14th November. This will take place in the Saplings building. For those who are absent or do not normally attend nursery on a Tuesday, information with regards to catch up clinics will be sent directly to you from the NHS Screening Department.

Book Bug
Sharing stories, rhymes and songs from an early age helps to promote early language and Literacy skills which allows children to achieve their full potential in later life. Bookbug encourages parents and carers to share books with their children inspires a love of reading in young children.

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting Bookbug sessions again at Netherlee Nursery. Each session will take place over two dates (please see below) and we would love you to join us if you are free.  The sessions last approximately thirty minutes.

Tuesday 14th November
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable for you, please don’t worry as we will run more sessions later in the year. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times of the ERC sessions.

Book Week Scotland
Please find an information letter attached about Book Week Scotland.
Book Sale Letter

Remembrance Day
From 30th October until 10th November, during Remembrance month, poppies will be available in school throughout the normal tuck time to allow any children who would like to make a donation for a poppy to do so at this time.

For our nursery children, poppy’s will be available at each nursery building door and parents can again make a donation at drop off or pick up times. All money raised will go to Poppy Scotland and is very much appreciated.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Coming Together for Our School
Autumn Event – Pumpkin Trail

We hope to see many of you at our Autumn Fundraising Event tonight, between 6pm – 8pm!

You can come to just admire our creations, but it would be wonderful if you bring your carved pumpkin 🎃 and enter it for free into the trail and receive a free LED candle to light up your creation! The P7’s will be selecting their favourites for various categories across the year groups, with some small prizes for our ‘P7 picks’. All our pumpkin creations will feature on our social media pages.

You can take your pumpkin home after the event along with the candle!

All our events are free and there are lots of free activities for the children – young and old.

  • We look forward to welcoming our Animal Man’s Creepy Corner with creatures to see and touch!
  • Some beef and vegan sausages will be on sale as will soft drinks, beer and wine
  • There will be LED items on sale to light up these dark nights along with a pumpkin 🎃 trick or treat style tombola. (All paid activities and refreshments will cost between 50p to a maximum of £3). As always there will be free tea, coffee and biscuits
  • Colour in your world with our wonderfully talented face painters. You may know some of them.

We could only take cash at the last few events but we now have our card reader working for you to buy tokens to use in the evening.

We do hope you can join the fun!

Our fundraising target for this event is to raise £1,000. This will help fill our brand new shed in the P6/7 playground. Please read our attached leaflet for more information and if you want to support this event, please click on the link: No matter how big or small, every penny is appreciated and all money raised will go towards our school.

Last year we used funds to get new playground markings, (which you can view whilst visiting the pumpkin trail in the main playground), support end of year events along with covering subscription fees for items like Lingascope and SumDog.

This year we aim to support similar funding needs and your support helps us deliver these for our children, and by doing so maybe just adds a little fun! Thanks for your support and hope you can come along and enjoy the event!

GHA Rugby Club fireworks display
The Council has confirmed that after discussions with a number of partners, including Police Scotland, over public safety, there will be no access to Muirend pavilion playing fields during GHA Rugby Club’s fireworks display on November 5. Temporary fencing will be put up at the pavilion car park, which will be closed, and at the pedestrian access at Whitton Drive. Full information about this can be found on the Council’s website.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery

NNC Newsletter 13.10.2023

Hello everyone,

What a fantastic week your little ones have had at Netherlee Nursery! Our young explorers have been learning many new skills, from building incredible structures in the block play area to whipping up their own playdough recipes!

It’s been a week of imagination and creativity and we cannot be more proud of their achievements. Here’s to many more weeks of fun and learning ahead.

Nursery Parent and Carer Appointments
Our nursery parent and carer appointments will take place on the week beginning 30th October and 6th November. Sign-up sheets will be made available again on the week beginning Tuesday 24th October at our nursery doors for you to choose a suitable date and time.  We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery to discuss your child’s progress.

Book Fair
Please see the attached letter regarding our upcoming book fair, and a poster too.
Book Sale Letter

Book Bug
Sharing stories, rhymes and songs from an early age helps to promote early language and Literacy skills which allows children to achieve their full potential in later life. Bookbug encourages parents and carers to share books with their children inspires a love of reading in young children. We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting Bookbug sessions at Netherlee Nursery. Each session will take place over two dates, with one morning and one afternoon session.

Tuesday 14th November:
9.15am: Orange and Purple (in Saplings)
2.15pm: Yellow and Green (in Acorns)
Thursday 16th November:
2.15pm: White, Pink and Red (in Saplings)

We politely ask that a maximum of two adults attend the sessions. Younger siblings are also more than welcome to attend. Should the above days/times be unsuitable, please be assured that alternative days and times will be provided for the sessions to follow. Book bug sessions also run in East Renfrewshire libraries. Please click here to view days and times.

October Break
The school and nursery will close this Friday for the October holiday and Monday 23rd October is an In-service/ Training Day for staff only. We look forward to welcoming all of our Netherlee children back again on Tuesday 24th October.

Have a lovely week.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class