NNC Parent News 09.09.2022

Hello everyone

The children are settling in well and are becoming more confident with our daily routines. They have been enjoying playing and learning together, making lots of new friends and having some fun in the sun…. and rain! Mr Watson, Netherlee’s music teacher has also been visiting our nursery on a Wednesday afternoon. The children and staff have been loving singing songs and playing rhythm games.

Stay and Play Sessions
Please be reminded that our Stay and Play sessions are running week beginning 19th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available at both nursery doors next week (week beginning the 12th) for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions.

What to Bring to Nursery
We ask that parents supply sun cream (named and in date) for their child to be kept in nursery. On particularly hot days, it would be helpful to apply sun cream in the morning before nursery. Staff will then re-apply when needed. Children should have suitable indoor and outdoor shoes (possibly wellies) to wear every day in nursery please- thank you.

Consent Forms
You should now have received nursery consent forms. If you have not already done so, please ensure these consent forms are returned to the nursery as soon as possible.  You will also have received Glow log in details and information regarding our Nursery Google Classroom. If you have any difficulty accessing either of these, please do not hesitate to contact us.  NurseryMail@Netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk

Religious and Cultural Events
One of our school and nursery improvement priorities for this session is to celebrate and mark important religious and cultural events for everyone in our school and nursery community. If you would be interested in helping us with this, perhaps by sending in information, pictures and videos or coming in to the nursery to talk to the children please let us know. With that in mind, Rosh Hashanah is in a few weeks. If you would be happy to help us mark this occasion please do just get in touch.

Recycled Donations
The nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items. Each week in our Friday Bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance children’s play experiences. Of course, we are only requesting pre loved items that you would be getting rid of anyway.  This not only helps us in nursery but also helps the environment too.  Thank you, please do not hand anything in this week, more info to follow next Friday.

ASN Provision
Please find a letter from East Renfrewshire Council regarding ASN provision in East Renfrewshire.

Parent Council Meeting
Please see the meeting highlights newsletter from the Parent Council Meeting on 31st August.

Maths Week
Please see a letter regarding Maths Week.

Getting in Contact and Absence Procedures
If your child isn’t coming to nursery on one of their allocated days, please inform our school office at the earliest convenience. We are available by emailing NurseryMail@Netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or by phoning 0141 570 7260. If need to pass on an urgent message such as changes to collection information after 4.30pm please call Acorns 0141 570 7272 or Saplings 0141 570 7271. These numbers should only be used after 4.30pm as we do not have clerical staff to answer the phone during the day.

In light of the news about the passing of the queen yesterday, I wish everyone a peaceful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


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