Friday Bundle 26.08.2022

Dear parent/carer

Dates for your Diary
It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2022/23 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar which will be available from Monday afternoon. We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Homework Policy
Please see attached letter detailing our new Homework Policy, starting on Monday 29th August.

Emails to School
Thank you for using our efficient email system to communicate with us.  Please ensure you include your child’s name and class in the subject bar so that your email can be passed on to the appropriate person very quickly- thank you.

Recycled Uniform Items
We are delighted that many families have made good use of our recycled uniform stock and we have managed to pass on many items throughout this week to families who have been in touch.  I am delighted to say that this means we can now resume collecting any donations of uniform items you may have at home that your child has outgrown in particular, larger sized items for P5-7.  You can pop up anytime to the main school door where you will find our “Big Red Box” and your uniform donation items can be placed in there.  This box is available at all times- many thanks

Flu Vaccination Programme
Children will be bringing home consent letters for the Flu Immunisation programme today. Please check their schoolbags. These require to be returned by Friday, 2nd September please.

Annual Consents
All annual consents will be available for completion via ParentsPortal.  If you haven’t already registered, please click the LINK to do so.

Linguascope- Thank You Netherlee PTA
We would like to say a huge thank you to our PTA who have very generously funded our yearly subscription to Linguascope for all nursery and primary classes. Your ongoing support for PTA events allows the PTA to fund this excellent online programme that supports and enhances Modern Languages (French) learning and for our children. Merci beaucoup à notre PTA! J

Message from our Parent Council (PC) Chairperson
PC Meeting Date and Time: Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in The Hub
We are pleased to hold our first Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council meeting of the new school year at 7pm on Wednesday 31st August. The meeting will be held in the Hub in school. You can find the agenda here.

PTA P1-P3 Mixer
The PTA are hosting a P1- P3 mixer in the school on Thursday 1st Sept from 6:30pm until 8pm, please see poster. All activities and refreshments will be free of charge with the exception of our raffle.  Any parents and carers who would like to get involved in helping with the event would be very welcome and can volunteer at the following link: Netherlee PTA (  Further events will be announced in September and again anyone who would like to get involved as a member of the PTA or as a volunteer for future fundraising events please feel free to contact the PTA on:

P3 Outdoor Visit
To support class work in the context for learning of ‘Buildings in Our Local Community’, an outdoor Educational Visit has been organised for our Primary 3 classes. The date for this visit for will be Thursday 8th September. Pupils will leave Netherlee at 9.15am and will return by 10:40am.

The parental consent forms for local visits, should be completed via ParentsPortal and this will cover this visit. If you haven’t already registered, please click the LINK to register. If you are available to help accompany the class, please telephone or email the school office as soon as possible. Your help with this would be very much appreciated.  If you have any issues or difficulties getting registered with ParentsPortal please do not hesitate to contact the office

East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) P4-7 Choral Groups
To register your P4-7 child for participation in East Renfrewshire’s Choral Groups, please complete and return this form as soon as possible and by no later than Tuesday 30th August.

P6/7 Bikeability
We will be running Bikeability training for P7 and P6 this session. If you have been trained as a Bikeability instructor in the past and would be happy to help deliver the training again please contact Mr Bryce. If you have not been trained, but are interested in helping out, there will be training for this in Feb/Mar 2023, look out for more information nearer the time.

P6/7 Choir
Please click to read the letter regarding the arrangements for the P6 and P7 choir.

P7 Residential
Please find a letter regarding our P7 residential information evening.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class


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