School Newsletter 23.08.24

Hello everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2024/25 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar. These will be added to the website calendar by the end of next week.  We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Pupil/ Building Safety
Unless your child is in Primary 1, please drop all children at the various gates at drop off or collection.  Parents/ carers are not permitted within the playgrounds and this includes avoiding using the playground as a walkthrough in order to get to a different gate.  This is to ensure the safety of all children and also maintain the security of the building at all times.  Members of the Leadership Team are on all gates from 8.50am and again at the end of the day. At collection time only, at 3.15pm, parents and carers of P2 and P3 children may come to the Clarkston Road door to collect your child/ren and also any siblings from the Smiley Face. The gate to access the Smiley Face will be unlocked at this time. Thank you very much for your cooperation with this important safety point. 

Flu Vaccination Programme
Children will be bringing home consent letters for the annual Flu Immunisation programme today. Please check their schoolbags. These require to be returned by Friday, 6th September please. Full information is contained within the letter.

Home Learning Policy
Please see the attached letter detailing our Home Learning (Homework) Policy and Feedback Friday dates.  Home Learning will start on Monday 2nd September.  Please do get in touch if you need any further explanation or help with this.

Like last session, Home Learning jotters will be provided for all children to record, gather and evidence their work. The jotters should be used to detail all learning that has taken place at home and will be a record of all home learning produced.

Uploading Homework to Google Classroom
Please find a helpful link to a document which gives step by step instructions regarding how to upload anything to Google Classroom. This is a fast and easy way for your child to upload any digital work or photos etc.  The upload feature on Google Classroom should only be used for any digital items such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, photographs etc.    Could we please ask that you do not email these to teachers using the normal schoolmail email system as this crashes the email system and results in us not being able to receive important absence and communications from you.  Any digital presentations should be uploaded via Google Classroom only- thank you.

You may remember, back in June, we asked that you hold onto any old wellies over the summer and explained that we would gratefully receive these welly donations at the start of this session.  We would now be delighted to receive any old wellies that your child is finished with or have outgrown. These will all be stored together and our children will be able to use the wellies whilst learning outdoors when it is muddy underfoot. Please note, the donated wellies will be available as a store altogether, for children to use, each child does not need to have their own pair of old wellies. If you have any old wellies that you would like to donate to our store, could you, or your child, please bring them to the Cage, beside the Saplings building, and put them in the large red donation boxes, week commencing 26th August. Thank you for your support with this.

Growing Together
We would really appreciate any cuttings, indoor and outdoor plants to help us with maintain and improve our green areas, especially the school playgrounds. This supports learning about the importance of growth and sustainability in a meaningful and practical way. Any families of Primary Two and Primary Three children who looked after our plant collection over the summer break can return the plants to Mrs Toman. Thank you so much for looking after these for us and thank you to those who have returned healthy plants already! If any parents/families have any skills, business contacts or time to volunteer to help with any of our ‘green projects’, please contact us via email and Mrs Toman will be in touch- we really would love your help.

Parent Council Meeting
We are really looking forward to our first Parent Council Meeting of the new session which will take place on Wednesday 4th September at 7pm in our school Hub. We can’t wait to see lots of familiar faces again and of course, if you are a new parent to Netherlee, we would love to welcome you along! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers and to hear about the life and work of the school and nursery within the Netherlee community.  We promise – you won’t be pressurised to become part of the Parent Council in any way, unless you would like to J.  Members of our fantastic PTA will also be there and will be happy to share information about how to get involved in the many fundraising and fun events they run throughout the year. There will even be tea/ coffee and biscuits.

All Parent Council meetings are open to any adult who has a child in our school or nursery.  We hope to see you next Wednesday at 7pm.

Primary 1: Annual Data Check
Our annual data checks have been sent home with your child today, we would be grateful if you could please have a look over and update (if required) and return to the school office.

We use a digital system for data checks and consent forms for school trips and visits.  We would appreciate if you register with ParentsPortal.  Please note that you need to input the details used when registering your child with Netherlee Primary.  We would be grateful if you could sign-up by Friday 6th September.   If you have any difficulty at all, please contact the office via email to with as much information as possible, or screenshots of any issues and we will be happy to help you.

Primary 1: Information and Meet the Teacher Evening
We look forward to welcoming our Primary One parents and carers at our Primary 1 Information and Meet the Teacher Evening on Tuesday 3rd September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Please read the attached letter for further information. 

Primary 2-7: Meet the Teacher
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our families to our P2-P7 ‘Meet the Teacher Evening’ on Thursday 5th September from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. This is a very informal opportunity for you to drop in, say hello to your child’s teacher and ’put a face to a name!

Our teachers are looking forward to introducing themselves to you and will be available from 6.30-7.30pm so please feel free to drop in for two minutes or to stay longer. Please note that due to the informal nature of the evening, teachers won’t be able to discuss your individual child in any detail, however you will of course be able to do this at our one to one parent/ teacher meetings in November.

The Leadership Team will also be available in the Open Area and/ or Atrium so please come along if you have anything that you would like to talk about. We look forward to seeing you all then.

Primary 3-7 Healthy Tuck Shop
We are once again able to provide our Primary 3-7 pupils the opportunity to purchase from the Catering Team’s Tuck Shop at morning interval. For more information please read here. If you would rather your child does not have access to the tuck shop please do not hesitate to get in touch and the kitchen will update their system.

Primary 5: St Cadoc’s Netball Club
St Cadoc’s Netball Club are currently recruiting for their new Primary 5 group.  If you think this would be of interest to any girl in Primary 5, they are welcome to come along for a 4 week free trial. Sessions start on Monday 2nd September, from 6.15pm-7.30pm at St Ninians High School, Giffnock.  Please complete the form below to register your details. Netball Registration Form.  If you have any further queries, please contact Christine Gibson on 07710580855.

Primary 7: Bikeability
A kind reminder that your child will be taking part in Bikeability Level 2 training this term.  If you have not yet completed the online form for them to take part in the training, please can you do so by completing this form.

Community Events – Working in Childcare Units
East Renfrewshire Adult Learning Service, in partnership with West College Scotland, will be offering 2 Units (‘Children and Young People: Rights and Protection and Child Developmen) at SCQF Level 5 and National 4, in The Foundry, Barrhead. Please see the attached flyer with more information.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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