All posts by Mrs Sibille

Marvellous March

We have been ‘Marvellous March Achievers’ and have been learning to swim without armbands and ride our bikes without stabilisers.

We are so talented and acquiring new skills like designing new clothes and playing the piano. We are so good at practising our reading by reading to little sisters and brothers.

Be very proud of yourself – well done

A great start to 2017

We took part in ‘Big Garden Birdwatch.’ We made bird food by mixing lard and seeds and put on pine cones. We also put cheerios on string and hung the food on the trees and fence in our playground.

For our Winter walk and Birdwatch we went to Eastwood Park. We took tally marks of the birds we saw. We saw a magpie in its nest, heard the robin and counted thirteen seagulls, blackbirds and three squirrels twirling round the tree.

On our way back to school we stopped at the Electricity generators and heard the humming noise. We have been learning about keeping safe when using electricity.


Autumn fun in Primary 1

October has been a busy time in P1, we have been learning about Autumn. We made clay hedgehogs and used straws for the spikes. We mixed paints to make lovely Autumn colours and painted a tree using a brush. To paint the leaves we used our fingers to print different colours of leaves. They are very colourful.

On our walk to Eastwood Park, we looked for signs of Autumn and found leaves, conkers, acorns and even saw a squirrel.

As part of ‘Authors live’ we listened to a story about Slippery Sam and learned how to draw Sam.

As part of our Numeracy we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We went on a shape hunt to find the different shapes outside. We also brought 3D boxes in and made different models. They were ‘fabulous, fantastic, super and amazing,’ said the children from P1!


Busy Bees in Primary 1

We have been so busy in Primary 1. We have been learning to be responsible and follow the different routines in our classroom, this has been a bit tricky.
We have made lots of new friends and we play together in the playground and in the classroom. Rachael says,”we make sure we include everybody.” Megan says, “we share and take turn at the Puppet Show.”
As part of Social Studies we have had visitors telling us about how they help us. Graham the lollipop man told us how to cross the road safely. He took us out to the road and had to use his STOP sign to stop the traffic so we could cross safely.
We were extremely proud of running our mile and putting our sticker on the map.
At Talking and Listening time, Primary 1 came together to share their ‘Awesome Achievements.’ We are so talented and have been helping at home, making cakes, practising our writing and riding our bikes.

Article 15: You have the right to be with friends
Article 31: You have the right to play